189.- Cha. Vi. 7.- Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 308. Tidgandi plates of the reign of the W. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja (Vikramaditya VI.) Tribhuvanamalla, recording that the Mahamandalesvara Muñja, lord of Bhögkvati,' (a son of Sindaråja who was the eldest son of Bhima) of the Sinda family, sold some villages to the (Ratta) Mahasamanta Kanna-samanta (Kannakaira II.):
(L. 12).- gr. Vikru(kra)makala-saṁvatsarêshu shatgu atîtêshu saptamê Dundubhihamvatsarê pravarttamânê tasya K&[ro]ttika-gu(su)ddha-pratipad-Adivarē.
[For Dundubhi = S. 1004] the date is irregular.
190.- Cha. Vi. 9.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 92. Hadali Kanarese inscription of the reign of the W. Chalukya (Vikramaditya VI.) Tribhuvanamalla, recording a grant by Jhanaśakti-pandita, the disciple of Dêvasakti-pandita :
(L. 5).- grimach-Chalukya-Vikrama-Varshada 9neya Raktákshi-samvatsarada Chaitragu(su)dhdha (ddha) 1 Somavárad-amdu.
(For Raktáksha = $. 1006] the date is irregular.
191.-S. 1008 (for 1000).- Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 305, and Plate. Sitäbaldi (now Nagpur Museum) inscription of the reign of the W. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja (Vikramaditya VI.) Tribhuvanamalla, and of his feudatory, the Mahdsdmanta Dhadibhandaka (also called the Ránaka Dhadiadêva), who had emigrated from Latalaura,' of the MahArAshtrakata lineage -
(L. 1).-Sa(sa)kansipakal-atîta-samvvatsar-âmtarggata-dalasata ya(tra] ashţatyadhikê (possibly altered to ashtåd hike) Saku 1008 Prabhava-samvatsand "Vaisakha-su(dha)-tfitiyaSu(sa) kradine.
Perhaps the 8th April A.D. 1087, bat the day was a Thursday, not a Friday.
192.-S. 1009.-Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. X. p. 173. Notice of a Saundatti Kanarese inscription containing a date of the reign of the W. Châlukys Vikramaditya VI., and) of the Ratta Mahamandalesvara Kårtavirya II. and his wife Bhagaladêvi :
Saka 1009, the Prabhava samvatsara, on the occasion of a total eclipse of the sun on Sunday, the day of the new-moon of the month Sravana.'
Sunday, 1st August A.D. 1087; & total eclipse of the sun, visible in India. (For an earlier date in the same inscription see above, No. 163).
193.- Cha. Vi. 12.- Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. X. p. 287; PSOCI. No. 93. Konpur Kanarese inscription of the reign of the W. Chalukya (Vikramaditya VI.) Tribhuvanamalla, of his son Jayakarna, and of the Dandadhipa Chamanda, and the Ratta Mandalesvara Sena II. (P), and the Ratta Mahamandalesvara Kanna II. :1
(L. 56).- Arimach-Chalukya-Vikrama-kalada 12neya Prabhava-sath vatsarada Panshakrishņa-chaturddasi Vaddaváradruttardyanasamkrantiy-ardu.
[Prabhava = $. 1009): Saturday, 25th December A.D. 1087; but the tithi which ended on this day was the 13th, not the 14th of the dark half; compare Ind. Ant. Vol. XXII. p. 111, No. 12.
(The same inscription in line 63 contains another date for Jayakarpa, of the 46th year and the year Plava = S. 1043, but some of the details of it are illegible).
He is also described as the frontal ornament of the Naga family.' • See below, Nos, 193 and 201.
• In the original the name is written Nydna'. • Rend Vaibakha-buddha..
. Compare below, No. 201. * See Dr. Fleet's Dynastiet, pp. 455 and 564. See Nos. 189 and 201.