24.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VIII. p. 45, and Plate. Kochrêm plates of Vijayamahadevi, the queen of the Maharajadhirdja Chandraditya, who was the eldest brother of the W. Chalukya Vikramaditya 1., son of the Maharajadhiraja Satyasraya (Pulaké in II.), etc.:
(L. 18).-Vaisakha-énkla-dvadasyam.
25.--Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 67; Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. XVI. p. 233, and Plate. Karşal distriot plates of the first year of the reign of the W. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja Adityavarman, & son of the Maharajadhiraja Satyasraya (Pulakösin II., who defeated Harshavardhana [of Kananj]), grandson of the Maharaja Kirtivarman I., and great-grandson of the Maharaja Satyasraya (Pulakêgin I.):
(L. 15).-pravardhamana-vijayarajya-prathama-samvatsaré Kárttika-paurņamásyam Paitamahi-Hiranyagarbha-mahotsava-samaye.
26.-S. 608. Ind. Ant, Vol. VII. p. 112. Notice of a Lakshmêshwar (spurious') inscription (fourth part of the record) of the 5th year of the reign of the W. Chalukya Vinayaditya Satyaáraya; issued from Raktapura :
Ashtottara-shatch hatåshu Saka-varsheshy-atîtê shu pravarttamâna-vijayarajya-pamchamasamvatsarê ... Magha-måsê paurņņam&sy&m.
27.-S. 611.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 86, and Plate; PS001. No. 14; Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. XVI. p. 242, and Plate. Togarchôdu plates of the 10th year of the reign of the W. Chalukya Maharajadhirdja Vinayaditya Satyasraya; issued from Pampâtirtha:
(L. 24).-ékádasóttara-shatch hatéshu Saka-varshêshv=atitëshu pravarddhamâna-vijayarajyasamvatsarê dasamê varttamâne .. . Karttika-paurạnam&syåm.
In the family of the Chala kyas, the Maharaja Pulakésivallabha (Pulakesin I.); his son, the Maharaja Kirtivarman [I.]; his son, the Maharajadhiraja Satyasraya (Pulakésin II., defeateil Harshavardhana (of Kanauj]); his son Vikramaditya [I.] (took Kanchipura); his son, the Maharajadhiraja Vinayaditya Satyåśraya.
28.-S. 618.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 89, and Plate; PSOCI, No. 15. Karnal district plates of the 11th year of the reign of the W. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja Vinayaditya Satyásraya, recording a grant made at the request of the Yuvaraja Vijayaditya; issued from Elumpundale :
(L. 24).-treyodabottara-shatohhatëshu faka-varsheshv-atîtêshu pravarddhamanavijayarajya-samvatsard ekâdago varttamánê . .. Magha-paurņamásyam.
Genealogy as in No. 27.
29.-9. 614.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 149; PSOCI. No. 16. Sorab plates of the [11th] year of the reign of the W. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja Vinayaditya Satyasraya, recording & grant made at the request of the Maharaja Chitravaha, the son of the Âļupa king Guņasågara ;' issued from Chitrasedu :
(L. 18).-- [cha turddasottara-shatchhatêshu Saka-varshồshv=atiteshu pravarddhamanavijayarajya-samvatsare [ék&]dasê varttamine ... dakshiņkyan-Abhimukhê bhagavati bhaskarê Rôhiņi(pi)-nakshatrê Sanaischaraváre.
Savarday, 22nd June A.D. 692; but the nakshatra on this day was Åslöshå or Magha, not Rðhiņi; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 9, No. 160.
Genealogy as in No. 27; but the name of Satyasraya (Pulakesin II.) is omitted through carelessness.
Compare below, No. 150.
See Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 218, No. 38. Put on the stone in about the second half of the 11th century A.D.
See Dr. Hultzech's Report for 1901, p. 5, where we find the names of the Aļupa kings Kayasagara, Prithu visagara, Vijayaditya, etc.