79. Those seekers after Liberation who have got only an apparent dispassion (Vairâgya) and are trying to cross the ocean of Samsara (relative existence), the shark of hankering catches by the throat and violently snatching away? drowns them half-way.
[1Snatching away—from the pursuit of Brahmajnana.]
विषयाख्याग्रहो येन सुविरक्तयसिना हतः।
स गच्छति भवाम्भोधेः पारं प्रत्यूहवर्जितः ॥ ८ ॥ 80. He who has killed the shark known as sense-object with the sword of mature dispassion, crosses the ocean of Samsara, free from all obstacles. .
विषमविषयमार्गर्गच्छतोऽनच्छबुद्धेः प्रतिपदमभियातो मृत्युरप्येष विद्धि । हितसुजनगुरूक्तया गच्छतः स्वस्य युक्त्या प्रभवति फलसिद्धिः सत्यमित्येव विद्धि ॥ ८१॥
81. Know that death quickly overtakes the stupid man who walks along the dreadful ways of sense-pleasure, whereas one who walks in accordance with the instructions of a well-wishing and worthy Guru, as also his own reasoning, achieves his end-know this to be true.