Book Title: Lexicographical Studies In Jaina Sanskrit
Author(s): B J Sandesara, J P Thaker
Publisher: Oriental Institute

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Page 37
________________ 3I युगादिजिन युगादिदेव योगचूर्ण योगदण्ड योगपट योगपट्ट योगिमर्कट रङ्गमण्डप रन्धनी रसवती राजकुल m. the first Tirthankara viz. Rsabhadeva. 103.26. m. same as युगादिजिन. 107.13. n. a magical powder. 118.9. m. a magical staff. 73.18. m. the garment worn by ascetics to cover the back and knees while in meditation. नग्नो यत्प्रतिभाधर्मात् कीर्तियोगपट त्यजन् । हियेवात्याजि भारत्या देवसूरिर्मुदेऽस्तु वः ॥ 69.20. Same as योगपट. तद्विधयोगपिशुनं योगपट्टे च चण्डांशुरोचिश्चन्द्रातकं सह नीत्वा । 73.18-19. - m. a juggler's monkey. मम पुत्रतया समर्पितो योगिमर्कट इव सर्वेषां जनानां नमस्कारं कुर्वन् केवलमपमानपात्रं भविता, गुरूणां दत्तस्तु गुरुपदं प्राप्य बालेन्दुरिव त्रिभुवननमस्करणीयो जायते 84.1-3. [M. Wills. mentions 'a magician, a conjurer' among the meanings of the word योगिन् । but here it should also mean'a juggler'. ] m. the assembly-hall in a temple. 101. 26. f. a female cook. 43. I. cf. Guj. रांधणी 'cooking ; kitchen'. f. the cooked food. 34. 23, 24; 39. 24 ; सद्यस्करसवतीपाकभोजना नन्तरम् 99.7, 12; 120. 16. cf. Guj. रसोई. m. a Rājaput chief. 78. 15-16. cf. Guj. रावळ (e.g. बापा रावळ), राओल (e.g. महाराओल of Kaccha). m. a title of Cāhada, a commander of king Kumārapāla of Gujarāta, lit. : ' a grindstone for kings'. 94. 17. [ The title appears to have been given to him on account of his numerous conquests.] the royal procession. 7. I; I0. I0; II. 13; 26.73; 30.23; 36. 16; 49. 10; 56. 12 ; 57. I; 78. 27; III. II ; II3. 6, 22. [In Old Guj. the word रायवाडी, रयवाडी is commonly used in the sense of royal procession'. In the dialect of North Gujarāta the word tarct, a derivative of this, is often heard.] m. alms from a king. 95. 16. [It is forbidden for a Jaina monk to accept alms from a king. A Jaina technical term.] cf. Pali रट्ठपिंड (Skt. राष्ट्रपिण्ड) — the country's almsfood '; vide Rhys Davids' Pāli-English Dictionary (London, 1921), section VII, p. 20 b. m. a title of Ambada or Amrabhata, a Mahamandalesvara of king Kumārapāla of Gujarāta, lit. : 'the grandfather of kings' 81.16%; 97.5. [The PC. says that this title was bestowed upon him by king Kumārapāla when the former submitted to the latter the head of Mallikarjuna, the king of Konkana, along with valuable tributes.] राजघरट्ट राजपाटिका राजपिण्ड राजपितामह


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