Book Title: Lexicographical Studies In Jaina Sanskrit
Author(s): B J Sandesara, J P Thaker
Publisher: Oriental Institute

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Page 158
________________ 152 :ध्वमा : f. a flag. 24.1, 2, 15. नगोदर : ____n. a neck-ornament. ...अनायाते अनुपमदेव्या नगोदरं बन्धोः समर्ध - विच(ह ?)रणं तेषां कारितम् । 63.17-18. [The meaning is not clear in the present context, but the word is widely prevalent in Old Guj. literature ; vide e.g. the following references from the Präcina Phāgu-sangraha (Baroda, 1955): Rājasekharasūri's Neminātha Phāgu (č. 1349 A.D.), verse 206 : 'नगोदरकंठलउ कंठि अनु हार विरोलो' Padma's Neminātha Phāgu (c. I5th cent. V.S.), verse 8ab : 'गोरी कंठि नगोदर, बीजल जिम झबकंति'; Cupai Phāgu ( 16th cent. V.S.), verse 270:'गलइ नगोदर नइ झूमणूं, घणु शणगार हव केहु भy; Viraha Desāuri Phāgu ( 16th cent. V.S.), verse 47cd : 'कांनि मोतीलग खींटली, कंठि नगोदर हार'; Jambustwāmi Phāga (1374 A.D.), verse 49; Amararatnasūri Phāgu (latter half of I5th cent. A.D.), verse 12. Also vide Varnaka :: samuccaya, Part I (Baroda, 1956 A.D.), page 218, line 5. नकनारायण .....m. N. of a musical mode. 79.2. cf. Guj. नटनारायण. नन्दीश्वरतपःकरण... n. a type of penance. 75.15. [A Jaina technical term.]. नमस्कार .. m. a mantra very well-known in Jaina scriptures. 64.27, 34%3 100.4. [A Jaina technical term.] Vide नवकार, पञ्चपरमेष्ठिपद; . also vide PK. . सवकार...... ... ... .m. same as नमस्कार. नवकारलक्षाः ३ गुणनीयाः। 52.29. cf. Guj. नवIn ... कार. Vide पञ्चपरमेष्ठिपद. नवान्तःपुरचिकिः .. adj. desirous of marrying a new wife. 84.32. Vide अन्तःपुर. HINR flee away. गृहस्योपरि ब्रजन् मार्गे सार्थेन सह चौरैदृष्टः । सार्थो गृहीतः। स उपविश्य स्थितः । केऽपि नंष्ट्वा गताः, केऽपि योधिताः। II0.23-24. cf. . Guj. 'नासी जवु'. नाटसारि m.? N. of a musical mode.-79.3. Vide पासक. नावारम्भ.. ..m. N. of the horse of Prthviraja, the great King of Delhi and Ajamera, after whose defeat the Muslim rule was establish ed in India. 87.9. n. a coin. कपईका मालवदेशीयनाणकम् | 21.32; वर्षशतदिनमितनाणक हारकान् दत्त्वा 130.25-26. Vide PC., PK. f. the navel. 73.10. [A spelling peculiarity.] समापिन/ग्रह to remain away from, not to disturb; lit.: 'not to take c. even the name of '. तुरुष्कः प्रत्यासन्नस्वस्वभूमौ विद्यते तव नामापि न


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