Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 57
________________ FEBRUARY, 1888.] SOMALI AS A WRITTEN LANGUAGE 49 41.- I wish to buy some ghi and rice. ايبسدریان دونی 42.-Bring me some milk. 43.-Do you drink milk? 44-Yes: I do drink milk. 45.—Do you drink be sol coffee? 46.-No: I drink water. tion, meang force, jerk. So-difo means force open, and ka-difo, take by force. 24. Faras-kaigi kabo. Faras (Ar.) s. m. horse. Ķabo, v. 4. imperative, hold, catch. 25. WA kabanalya.--1st pers. sing. present with a future signification. 26. Mahad kêntai P Kéntai, 2nd pers. sing. perf. of v. kén, bring, fetch. . 27. Waran wanaksan 1-kên. Waran s. m. spear. Wanáksan, adj. good. 28. Dirman donaiye.- Dirmo. 8. f., mat. (Vide sentence 9). 29. Waha 10hyahai ma takan P Wahu, contr. for wah, some, and yú, he (I. p. 14). Lehyahai, from the adjective root aléh, literally meaning possessed of, but here used idiomatically. Probably the word kadal, meaning speech, talk, story, conversation, &c., is understood. 30. Mindida ma tadi ba? Mindi, 8. f. knife; mindida, the knife; a, the def. art. implying that the thing is actually present. The article is here assisted by the consonant d, because mindi is fem. and ends in a vowel. (H. gs. 21-22). Tddi, possess. pron. 2nd pers. 47.–Do you smoko óseo se su tobacco ? 48.--Have you ever been to India ? مشاهرهم امس دی 49.-What paydo you require P van het go slpó contem. (H, 6. 55). دونیس کومینی 50.--I will give you yo 31. HA! waha an-aleh, ten dollars & * 32. MaghAladada bunn badan ma lode month. hai P Maghdlo, 8. f. country, city. Dada, possess. pron. your. The possessive pronoun follows the same rules as the article in regard to Vocabulary and Grammatical Analysis, with the election of a consonant to complete it. The Notes and transliteration. remarks under mindida (sentence 30), apply also 18. Adiga immisa jir ba tahai or, Adiga to maghála-dada. Bunn, (Arabic) s. m. coffee. imsad jirtai P Immisa or imsa, how much ? Badan, ady. of quant., much, past part, of v. adv. of quantity. (H. p. 40.) jir, v. of exis- badi, increase. Lédahai, from the root áléh tence. Imsád, vide sentence 7. (vide sentence 29). 19. Adiga waha ma ibinaisa P Waha, this; 33. Awrka kad kist we immisa P Awr, compounded of wah, some, and the def. art. | 8. m. camel ; aurka, the camel. kad, s. m. burIbinaisa, 2nd pers. sing. pres, of it, v. 3, sell. den. Kisi, possess. pron. 3rd pers. sing, masc. 20. HA: wa ibinaiya.-Hú, interj., yes, his (H. s. 55). just so ! 34. Mesha biyo m'en ma ledahai P Mel, s. 21. Adiga wana maibsanaisa.-Ibsanaisa, f. place. Mésha = mel, with the def. art, affixed 2nd pers. sing. Pres. of ibso, v. 8, buy. [Note 1 being changed into sh for the sake of enthe difference between ibi, v. 3, sell, and ibso, phony. (H. s, 23). The change of these letters v. 8, bay.) has already been noticed in the Introduction, 22. WA: ibsanaiya M'an, adj., sweet. 23. Aniga wa ku gu-dufan. Ku, pers. 35. MaghAlada håbta immisa jirta P H66, pron, 2, dative. Gu-ku, a prep. used with the s. f. shore ; hábta, the shore. (H. 8. 23). verb difo, Dito, v. 4, always preceded by 36. Manta sogki yan ka arkai. Manta, ku, when meaning to fall upon and beat with adv. to-day-man, day, with the def. art, affixed. something. N. B.-Difo, withont any preposi- Arkai, 1st pers. sing, perf. of arak or arag, v. see.


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