Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 91
________________ MARCH, 1888.] ZAFARNAMAI-RANJIT SINGH. 81 The old king could not believe his eyes, so The wicked woman, however, felt so ashamed strange it seemed to him, that the sons whom he of herself that she fell at the young men's feet had mourned as dead should be standing before and confessed her guilt. him. The king, who had long seen his mistake, at The brothers then caused their step-mother once ordered her to be driven out of the kingto be brought before them in order to question dom, and the father and his two sons then her in the king's presence as to the foul charge entered the city with great pomp and lived very she had laid at their door. happily ever afterwards. A NOTICE OF THE ZAFARNAMA-I-RANJIT SINGH OF KANHAYYA LAL. BY E. REHATSEK. (Continued from p. 60.) When six months after the occapation of already been there for some time received Peshawar bad elapsed, a courier arrived from him with great demonstrations of joy. Sultan Kabul with two letters from Dost Muḥam. Khân also desired to pay his respects, but the mad, one addressed to the Mahârâjâ and the Mahârâjâ wrathfully turned away from him. ther to the prince. He complimented Ranjit Sultân Khân thereon offered his excuses, and Singh on the great power he had attained, but succeeded so well, that the Maharaja presented requested him to restore the Governorship of him with a jágir valued at three lákhs in the Peshawar to Sultan Khan, who had always Kohật district, and sent Faqir 'Azizu'ddin as paid his tribute regalarly, and had been an envoy to Kabul for the purpose of making tardy only the last year. He moreover pro- friendly overtures to Dôst Muhammad, and remised to march with his own troops against proaching him with having assumed a hostile Sultân Khan and to punish him if he should attitude towards himself. The envoy had afterwards at any time be remiss in sending commenced to hope that he would induce Dôst the tribute. The Maharaja, highly displeased Muhammad to pay a visit to Ranjit Singh, but with the presumption of Dost Muhammad, some of his advisers succeeded in arousing his said that he had conquered the Pañjab, and suspicions, and he granted no more interviews being able to defend the district of Peshawar to the ambassador, who was kept under surveillikewise, he challenged Dost Muhammad to lance till the army of Dôst Muhammad had invade it. Then he despatched Gulab Singh reached the Khaibar Pass, where it encamped, [of Jammûn and Kashmir) with a body of and he was then permitted to depart. Hereon troops to Peshawar, and shortly afterwards the Maharaja despatched Hari Singh, with also followed in person himself; but when GulAb Singh, Mahârâjâ of Jammui and Kashhe arrived at Rohtas the news came that mir, to attack the Afgháng, but the latter had Dost Muhammad had already reached the already disappeared and retired to their own Khaibar Pass and would soon attack Pesha- country when the Sikhs arrived. Accordingly war, and that, although the Prince Nau Nihal, Ranjit Singh left a garrison to guard the fronHari Singh and Ventura were on the spot and tier and marched back to Lähôr, whence he proready to defend the province, the Maharaja's ceeded to Amritsar, where he ordered the presence would ensure a speedy victory. Ranjit wedding of Prince Neu Nihal to be celebrated, Singh therefore now went forward with greater to which also the commander of the English speed, and his progress was not interrupted forces at Firozpûr, and the Agent, Mr. Wade, till within a day's journey from Pêshawar, who resided at Lôdiana, were invited, as well when the enemy gathered in force and attempted as the Rajâs of note. After the festivities, during to block the way. The Mahârâjâ ordered which large sums were disbursed, the guests Sukhraj to disperse the rebels who, how received costly presents of silk dresses and ever, stood their ground and were put to flight jewellery and then took leave. Before, however, only after a contest of several hours. Ranjit the ladies, who had accompanied the English Singh entered Peshwar the next day, when the commander, departed, they requested permission Prince Nan Nihal with the officers who had from the Maharajá to pay a visit to his ladies.


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