[AUGUST, 1888.
king had no son, he appointed his nephew being the most impartial of Indian historians, Ibrahim, son of his brother Shah Tahmâsp, gives the following account of the murder of his successor, and the following year he was 'Ali 'Adil Shiho : assassinated by a eunuch, whom he had forced "In the year 987 (A.D. 1579-80) he nomiagainst bis inclination to come to his Court nated his nephew, Muhammad Ibrahim, son of from AhmadAbåd Bidar."
his brother, Shah Tahmasp, as his successor, Briggs,' in a note on this passage, says :- and gave him full power, whilst he gave him"A more detailed account of this transaction self up to sensual enjoyments. is given by Farishta in the History of the Kings "When it came to his ears that 'Ali Barid had of Bidar. He evidently avoids the subject in two handsome eanuchs, one of whom in beanty, this place, in order not to give offence to Ibrahim and the other in delicacy. was a reproach to Adil Shah II., the nephew of 'Ali Adil Shah, the sun and the moon, he conceived an intense under whose patronage he wrote. The cause longing to become possessed of them, and, of the king's death is most disgusting and accordingly, sent a message (to 'Ali Barid) offensive, and it is by no means attempted to asking for them. 'Ali Barid at first was firm be palliated by Farishta when he mentions it. in refusing ; but afterwards, on account of his A modern author of the history of Bijapur, excessive entreaty, he sent them both to 'Ali however, has set forth reasons in defence of Adil Shah. Each of these eunuchs knew why All 'Adil Shah's conduct, and endeavours to be had been sent for ; and the elder one, who prove that Farishta has traduced his memory." | had a hankering after evil, concealed a knife
Farishta's "more detailed account" above in the waist-band of his drawers, and awaited referred to, is thus translated by Briggs :- the opportunity for the infliction of punish
"In the year 987 (A.D. 1579), Murtazament. Nizam Shah made an attack upon the remain- "At last, one night, 'Ali 'Adil Shah suming part of the Bidar territories, and laid close moned him into his private apartment, and siege to the capital itself. 'Ali Barid, thus endeavoured to lie with him. The eunuch, on straitened, sent an envoy to 'Ali 'Adil Shah, getting the opportunity, planged that knife into who replied that if he would make him a his hypochondria with such force as to put a present of two eunuchs, whom he named, stop to all sensual desire; and in the year 988 he would send him assistance. 'Alf Barid (A.D. 1580) 'Al 'Adil Shah hurried from this assented; and two thousand Bijapur Cavalry world to his permanent abode ; and, in retribumarched to raise the siege of Muhammadabad tion for the crime of one, the two eunuchs Bidar."
were put to death." “Murtaza Nizam Shah, hearing of the ap- The next account of this occurrence I exproach of the 'Adil Shahis, and also of the tract from a very rare Persian MS. history of rebellion of his brother, Barbân Nizam Shah, at the 'Adil Shahỉ dynasty of Bijapur, entitled Ahmadnagar, retreated to his capital, and left Basktinu's-Salatin, by Muhammad Ibrahîm Mirza Yadgar with a body of Qutb Shâbîs, who az-Zubairi, completed, as the author himself had joined from Gulkunda, to prosecute the informs us, in A. H. 1240 (A.D. 1824). Gene. siege ; but as soon as the Bijapur detachment ral Briggs published his translation of Farishta arrived within a few miles of the place, Mirzâ in 1829. From these dates, and from the fact Yadgår retreated, and 'Ali Barid delivered that the copy of this MS. now in the Royal over the two eunuchs, contrary to their own Asiatic Society's Library belonged to General inclination, to the Bijapuris. These two Briggs, I conclude that this is the history to youths were so stong with shame on being which he alludes in his footnote already transferred from one king to another, that quoted; but before making any further remark shortly after their arrival at Bijapur, one of on the subject, I shall proceed to translate the them put 'Ali 'Adil Shah to death, as we have passage ;before seen in this history."
"'Ali 'Adil Shah's twin sister (ham-shira), Khan Khan, who enjoys the reputation of named Tånibai Sultan, had been married to
• Vol. III. p. 142n. Vol. III. p. 498.
So in Brigra' text, but the more usual appellation is
Ahmadabad Bidar, as above.
• Muntakhibu'l Lubab.