Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 341
________________ NOVEMBER, 1888.] THE TWELVE-YEAR CYCLE OF JUPITER, 315 script copy,-êvam Asvayujam ch=aiva Chai- which must bave been established after tram ch=aiva Brihaspatih | samvatsarô (Pram) observations carried on during a very long nâma(Páa)yatê saptaitêda (? saptaty-abda)- time; to lay down the means of detersatê dhikë 11.0 This verse seems to refer to mining Jupiter's mean yearly or daily motion, the mean-sign system ; though I can say is not a thing that can be accomplished in a nothing definitely about it, without seeing the few years. It seems, therefore, quite evident context; of which I have not the opportunity that the system of naming the samvatsaras after at present. But, supposing that it does refer the nakshatras in which Jupiter rises, i.e. the to the mean-sign system, still it is not un- heliacal-rising system, is the only original one. favourable to the heliacal-rising system ; for the So much as regards the antiquity of the same Utpala also quotes a verse of the same heliacal-rising system. Let us now look into its Garga, given in a preceding paragraph, in somewhat later use. Varahamihira is later which Garga says: "when Jupiter, after than the first Åryabhata. And his verse, with dwelling together with the sun)," rises and which I have opened my account of the Twelvewalks along with a nakshatra, then commences Year Cycle, undoubtedly refers to this system. the year of Jupiter, of which the first part of So, also, another of his verses, in the Brihatthe name) is the name of that) nakshatra." Savihita, viii. 27, points to the same thing. It Not only that the heliacal-rising system is runs-Adyam Dhanishthêm samabhiprapanna very early, but that it alone is the original Mághê yad=ayâtyudayam Surêjyah | shashtysystem of the Twelve-Year Cycle, is self- abda-půrvah Prabhavaḥ sa namná prapadyatê evident. The heliacal rising of Jupiter is a bhůta-hitas tad-abdah 11, -" when Jupiter, natural phenomenon. No scientific apparatus having come to the first (nakshatra) Dhanishis needed for the observation of it; nor are thå, attains (his) rising in the month) Magha, any calculations required." But such is not then commences that year, beneficial to beings, the case with the passing of Jupiter from one which is named Prabhava, the first of the sixty sign of the zodiac into another, with regard to years." Now, in eighteen centuries from the his mean longitude. No kind of apparatus can beginning of the Saka era, the Prabhava saridetermine Jupiter's mean longitude. It is to svatsara has occurred thirty times. And, by be found only by calculations, the rules for approximate calculations, I find that Varahi. 10 (Gen. Cunningham also has quoted this verse Marwadis in other parts of India, the saltatsaras are (Archmol. Suru. Ind. Vol. X. p. 114); and in such a way, named as Chaitra-Varsha, Vaisakha-Varsha, &c.; the his authority giving ndiyate, where Mr. Sh. B. Dikshits system adopted in that Panchang, however, for naming MS. gives rAmayat, as to shew that, in the second half the sath vatsaras, is the mean-sign system. of it, we certainly have to read udsayat saptaty-abda. 13 The reading that I give, is from my manuscript satd.-J.F.F.) copy. But, & and being very liable to confusion, the 11 pravdsdnts may be translated by "after having reading adyan Dhanushthanam abhiprapanno, which completed his journey," i.e. having completed a revolu- is given in some printed copies, may also be of some tion of some kind or another. authority. By eleulatinu, h vever, I find that Jupiter 11 The phenomenon, moreover, is one to which much does not always stand just at the beginning of Dhanish. attention has always been paid in India Even in the thâ at the time of his rising at the commencement of the present day, almost all the Hindu Panchangs give the Prabhava scratsura. And I think, therefore, that the dates of the heliscal rising and setting of Jupiter. This reading which I give is the authof's original reading. is for religious purposes; since, when Jupiter is invisi. I take adyasi to qualify the word nakshatram under. ble, some duties and ceremonies, such as investiture stood. And Varihinihira calls the Rakshatra in queswith the sacred thread, marriage, pilgrimages, &c., are tion the first," because his opinion was, I think, that not to be performod; and the dates in question are Dhanishtha was the first nakshatra of the Sixty-Year necessary, in order to know when he is visible, and when Cycle. as it was of the Five-Year Cycle of the Vedang he onses to be so. In Panchange printed in Maha- Jyautisha see its versorarákraméte 81m-Arkau rashtra, the custom of naming the survatsaras after the yadd sukasi sa Vása syit tad-di-yugals Moghal, inonths is not in use; in fact, the Twelve-Year Cycle is "When the moon and the sun, being in the nakshatra) now almost unknown to the people at large of the Dek. VÁsava (Dhanishthå), go together in the heavens, then kan. But in a Parching prepared by JwAlapati Sid- there is the beginning of the Yuga (und of the inonth) dhanti, and printed in the Jñanasůryodaya Press at Migha" which two he intends to reconcile [Kern Madras, I find that the author, in the saivatsara-phala, would seem to have known only the reading adyam after giving the two salvatsaras of the Sixty-Year Dhanishth-anissar.. His translation, Jour. R. 18. Soc. Cycle. Recording to the northern and the sonthern N. S. Vol. V. p. 49 f.), which follows also the reading of reckoning, goes on to say-arvatra Gur-idaya-taiat pravartate for praradyat, is when Jupiter, on reach. (Chaftr)-abdo grdhyah,"all over (India) & (certain) ing the first quarter of Dhanishtha, rises in the lunar year (1.e. Buch sath vatsaras As Chaitra, &c.), which inonth of Magha, then begins the first year of the cycle depends on the rising of Jupiter is to be taken," from. of sixty, named Prabhava, a year salutary to all beings." which it is evident that some such rising system ay that And he adds the note" . Davis, Asiatic Researches, described above is followed in this Panchang from Mad- Vol. III. p. 220. The word alla aluo means 'degree,' ras. Also, in the Chand 1-Panchang, prepared for the but is hore rendered by quarter, according to Utpala, meridian of Jodhpur in MarwM, and used there and by who explains it by půda."-J. F. F.


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