Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 368
________________ 338 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [DECEMBER, 1888 favour of the year 189, because of the early the 3rd September, A.D. 521; or, by the Engdate of the year 156 for the Mahúrája Hastin. lish calendar, on Saturday, the 4th September. For Gupta-Samvat 189 + 242 - Saka- His longitude then was 152° 17'. By both the Samvat 431 current, the given date, viz. the systems of unequal spaces, he was then in nineteenth day of the month Kárttika, corres- Uttara-Phalgunî; and the sasivatsara which ponds to Monday, the 13th October, A.D. 508. then began, must have been named MahaMr. Sh. B. Dikshit finds (see the Table, Col. Phâlguna. Therefore, by both the systems of E 1) that Jupiter's rising, next before the given unequal spaces, in Gupta-Samvat 201 also, with date, took place on Srávaņa śukla 15 of the the running difference of two hundred and same year, Saka-Samvat 431, corresponding to forty-two years between current Gupta and Monday, the 28th July, A.D. 508; or, by the current Saka years, the Maha-Magha samvat. English calendar, on Tuesday, the 29th July. sara was current on the given date. And His longitude then was 117° 4'. By both the this result gives Saka-Samvat 443 current systems of unequal spaces, he was then in (A.D. 520-21), as the equivalent of the possible Magh; and the sasivatsara which then began, current Gupta year. must have been named Maha-Magha. Jupi- The results for these two years, Gupta-Samter's next following rising took place on Åsvina vat 189 and 201, answer, as is required, to the krishna 13 of Saka-Samvat 432, corresponding running difference of two hundred and fortyto Saturday, the 29th August, A.D. 509; or, two years between current Gupta and current by the English calendar, on Sunday, the 30th Saka years. But they do not, in themselves, August. His longitude then was 147° 49'. prove it; for the reason that the current By both the systems of unequal spaces, he was Gupta year itself is not mentioned in the then in Uttara-Phalguni; and the sarivatsara record. The important point is, that in neither which then began, must have been named of these two cycles was the Maha-Magha Mahi-Phalguna. Therefore, by both the systems sanhvatsara omitted. of unequal spaces, in Gupta-Samvat 189, with If the dates in the grants of the Mahardjas the running difference of two hundred and of Uchchakalpa are to be referred to the Kalaforty-two years between current Gupta and churi era," then the Mahl-Magha sa vatsara current Saka years, the Maha-Magha sam of this record will be earlier by either one or vatsara was current on the given date. two cycles than the first of the two years given And this result gives Šaka-Samvat 431 current above. Here, again, in respect of the actual (A.D. 508-509), as the equivalent of the pos- epoch no absolute proof can be derived from sible current Gupta year. this record; and the only important point is, Again, for Gupta-Samvat 201 + 242 = to ascertain that the Mahậ-Magha sasivatsara Saka-Samvat 443 current, the given date, vis. was not omitted in either of the two cycles in the nineteenth day of the month Karttika, question. Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit finds that, in corresponds to Friday, the 2nd October, A.D. Gupta-Samvat 165 + 242 = Saka-Samvat 407 520. Here Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit finds (see the current, Jupiter's rising took place on Sråvaņa Table, Col. 2) that Jupiter's rising, next be- sukla 10, corresponding to Thursday, the 19th fore the given date, took place on Bhadrapada July, A.D. 484; or, by the English calendar, śukla 3 of the same year, Saka-Samvat 443, on Friday, the 20th July.' His longitude then corresponding to Sunday, the 2nd August, was 108° 19'. By both the systems of unequaj A.D. 520; or, by the English calendar, on Mon- spaces, he was then in Aslesha; and the sai. day, the 3rd August. His longitude then was vatsara which then began, and which was 121° 30'. By both the systems of unequal current through the whole month of Karttika spaces, he was then in Magha; and the sami- in the same year, must have been named vatsara which then began, must have been | Maha-Magha. Again, in Gupta-Samvat 177 named Maha-Magha. Jupiter's next follow- + 212 = Saka-Samvat 419 current, Jupiter's ing rising took place on Asvina krishna 1 of rising took place on Bhadrapada krishna 13, Saka-Samvat 444, corresponding to Friday, corresponding to Wednesday, the 24th July, 1. See note 1 above.


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