Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 430
________________ 398 INDEX. .... 60 equation between the Vikrama era and Yajur-Veda, followers of the .................... 231 Saka eras, 24 ; - an exceptional use of the Yar Muhammad, Governor of Peshawar, 23; -.. Vikrama era in an inscription of the the mare Laili ......... ............. 54f. Kalachuris of Ratnapur ....................... 138 Yasahkarna (Kalachuri of Chedi), perhaps vikshepa, ' a camp or cantonment. .......... 183 mentioned as a friend of Jajalladeva ...... 139 Vinaya, the ; a Sanskrit copy of it was found Yasovarmapura, the town of Yabovarman,' at Pataliputra by Fa-Hian 123 has been identified by Sir A. Cunningham Vindafarna, a name derived from a Zend with the town of Bihar; but it may be an word meaning " winning glory"................ 92 ancient name of Ghosrawa............... 309, 311n. Vindhya mountains; mentioned in connec Yasovarmapura-vihara, an ancient Buddhist tion with the conquests of Dadda III. [I.]. 195 vihdra ........................ ............ 309, 311 and n. Viradeva, a proper name ...............308, 311, 312 Yavanas, notes on the, 302; - remarks on Virayatrika, an official title requiring expla the Yavanas of Orissa ............. nation .......... .........9, 11 Yazdajird, a Sassanian king of Persia ; there Vishnuxarsa, the lineage of Vishnu; it is an era, dating from his accession in A.D. included the Yadavas of Seunadesa ......... 118 632, of which the four-hundredth year is visua, a particular land-measure....... ............ 235 used by Alberani as a gauge-year for the vitaraga, 'free from passions ;' an epithet of comparison of dates ......... ..... 245 Buddha .... .................... 63 year; the length of the year of the Twelve. Vitaraga, a biruda of Jayabhata I., 185, Year Cycle of Jupiter, by the heliacal. 191, 194;- and of Jayabhata II. [1.] ., 191, 195 rising system, is roughly 400 days, 2; - vow of the sword .......... 322f. 1 and of the Twelve-Year and the Sixty. Vyaghramukha (Chapa); Brahmagupta wrote Year Cycles, by the mean-sign system, is in his time ... 192 361 days, 1 ghati, 36 palas ..................... 313 yoga, an astrological element, the addition Wakh = Wakhs = Wakhsha = Wakhshab = of the longitudes of the sun and the moon; Wakhab = Oxus ...................................... 114 the names and order of the yogas, 181 ; - Wand Khari, a river or stream in Gujarat, Prof. Jacobi's method of calculating them, mentioned under the ancient name of 156 ; - names of the yogas, as used in Varanda ........ .........193n, recorded dates :Weber, Prof.; translation of his paper on the Aindra ......... ................ 249 - sacred literature of the Jains ......279ff,, 339ff. A yushmat........ ........ 250 wind-god, on Indo-Scythian coins ............ 91 Ganda ....... 250 Wright, Prof. William ; his rendering of Harshana ...... 250 Alberani's statements regarding the Gupta Priti ........ .247, 252 and other eras .243ff. Siddhi (for Siddha) ..................... Sala ...... 251 y in Semitic 323 Vaidhriti Yadava-Narayana, a biruda of Bhillama III, 118 Vajra..................................... 250, 251, 252 Yadavas of Seunadesa; a genealogical Vriddhi .......... 241, 250 inscription, 117; - they belonged to the yutht for yutt ......................................12 and n. Vishnuvamsa, 118; - and to the lineage of Yadu, 117; - their intermarriage with the Rashtrakatas ................................118 and n. | zero represented by a dot in the Bakshali Yaduvamsa, the lineage of Yadu; the Yadavas manuscript .......... .........35, 38 of Seupadesa belonged to it..................... 117 Zoroastrian deities on Indo-Scythian coins. 89ff. .. ... . ....... 251 ........... 265 **.. .......12 and n.


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