Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 239
________________ AUGUST, 1888.) MURDER OF ALI ADIL SHAH I. 223 'Ali Barid; and having died without issue, her king and feeling his pulse, cried out :- Alas! movable property, consisting of valuable | Dust is on our heads! Then, raising the jewellery and other goods, remained in 'Aliking, we laid him on & couch, and went outBarid's house; and as by Muhammadan law it side. The murderer had remained in the priwas allowable for 'Ali 'Âdil Shâh to demand vate apartment, and some one wished to enter restitution of these, he at once sent a messenger it and bring him to punishment, but he had to ask for them. 'Ali Barid returned all the fastened the door on himself. However, next effects except the jewellery, the claim for which day he received the punishment due, and the still remained unsettled, till, in the year 988 other eunuch was put to death by the slaves (A.D. 1580), Kamil Khâí renewed it, and on the same day. petitioned 'Adil Shah, saying :-There is an "The people of the city, hearing of the death old-standing connection between me and Barid; of the king, rushed in crowds to the gate of the with your permission I will send & person on fort that night. The nobles, grandees and amirs my account and recover the goods.' Adil also, both superior and inferior, assembled at Shâh replied :- I have a large claim against the gate, but did not obtain admission. him, and can claim it by law. Kamil Khan, "After morning prayers, some one came to considering this as equivalent to permission, the gate and cried out :- All the Ministers brought General 'Ali Aqå into the presence of and nobles are assembled at the gate, and, the king, and after giving him the necessary with compliments, send this message to the instructions, despatched him to Bidar. prime minister, Afzal Khân: We have " 'Ali Aqâ returned after four months, and passed the whole night here, like fish without presented to the king a portion of the jewel water, in disquietude and anxiety, and we are lery, together with two eunuch slaves who had all anxious to know from you what arrangeformerly been in the service of 'All Adil ments have been made for carrying on the Shah's twin sister, above mentioned. government.' Afzal Khan replied I await "One night 'Adil Shah summoned to his the good pleasure of my colleagues; whatever private apartments one of those eunuchs, who they advise, and whomsoever they may conwas more intelligent than the other, in order firm in the sovereignty, they are free to do as that he might make inquiries about his sister's they please.' The nobles, on bearing this, held jewellery. This eunuch was of an evil disposi- council, and confirmed with oaths the promises tion, for as soon as he came into the presence as to the hereditary succession. They then of the king, although there were two or three sent Mir Murtaza Khân Ânja, who went near servants standing by, he plunged a dagger up the gate, and proclaimed the decision of the to the hilt in the king's breast, so that it came council, saying :-ShAh Kamalu'd-din Fathont at his back. The king, wounded as he was, u'llah, being vakil on your part, with the aparose from the chamber, and reached the court- proval of all the nobles has agreed that we yard, where he fell, and those who were near shall confirm in the sovereignty the king's raised a clamour." nephew, Prince Ibrahim, who is the rightful Raf'u'd-din Shirazi,' who held the ap- heir, and whom the king during his lifetime pointments of Havâldar-i-Mahallât, Khân-Salâr appointed and educated as such. Also that and Treasurer, says: you shall be Prime Minister, as formerly; and "I was present outside the palace at that the other offices be filled by whomsoever you time, as also was Afzal Khân, who had been may please.' Afzal Khân replied - fcannot sitting there with some people transacting | undertake this important affair; appoint somebusiness. At that moment they had just got up one else. Murtaza Khân said :-'At all events, to go to their houses; but he had not quite you and the nobles can assemble in council, reached the gate of the fort when a shouting and whatever you determine upon will be conand clamour arose. On going inside I found firmed.' Afzal Khân said - A great crowd the king lying bathed in blood. Afzal Khan is assembled here, and if we open the gate came running back, and, after looking at the there will be a rush of the common people, and Taxkirátu'l-Mulak.


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