Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 260
________________ 240 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1888. Asukla-pakshồ trayodasyarn Sømavårê Abviny 13 ended on Tuesday, the 2nd October, A.D. 339, nakshatré," in the Saks year two hundred, at about 14 gh. 29. ) Karttika bukla 13 increased by sixty-one, in his own augmenting ended on Tuesday, the 18th September, at about twenty-third year; in the Vilambin samvatsara, 1 gh. 38 p., and consequently with the possibility which is current; in the dark fortnight of that calculations by the Siddhantas themselves Karttika; on the thirteenth tithi; on Monday; might make it end on the preceding day, Monday: under the Aévini nakshatra. --and (3) the Amanta Karttika kşishna 13 ended This gives us, for calculation, Saka-Samvat 261, on Wednesday, the 17th October, at about 26 gh. current according to the literal meaning of the 50 p., being of course identical with the Partext; the Vilambin samvatsara of the Sixty. nimanta Karttika krishna 13 of the previous Year Cyole of Jupiter; the month Kárttika calculation. (ordinarily Oetuber-November); the dark fort. If it should be argued that we should take the night; the thirteenth tithi or lunar day: Soma- Vilambin samvatsara of the Northern System, våra, or Monday; and the Asvini nakshatra. it was current, by the Tables, at the commence As, however, some objection may be taken to ment of Saka-Samvat 267 current (A.D. 344-45); the use of abukla to designate the dark fortnight, and, by Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit's Tables, I find that and it may be urged that we should correct Karttik. it actually commenced in Saka-Samvat 266 eur. dónkla into Kárttika-sukla, the calculation will be rent, on Tuesday, the let November, A.D. 343, made also for the same tithi in the bright fort- and it was followed, in Saka-Samvat 267 current, night. And the tithi in the dark fortnight will by the Viktrin samvatsara, which commenced be calculated according to both the Purnimanta on Saturday, the 27th October, A.D. 344. The and the Amanta arrangements. day on which the Vilambin samvatsara com. By the Southern System of the Sixty-Year menced, actually was the Amanta Karttika Cycle, the Vilambin samvatsara was coincident krishna 13 of Saka-Samvat 266 current; the tithi with Saka-Samvat 261 current (A.D. 338-39); or ending at about 52 gh. 51 p. This therefore, as as shewn in the Tables, 260 expired. And for the week-day was a Tuesday, disposes of another this year, with the basis of Saka-Samvat 260 ex. possible equivalent of the given date. But, in pired, the results, by Prof. K.L. Chhatre's Tables addition to this, the day on which the Vikarin are-(1) the Purnimanta Karttika krishna 13 samatsara commenced was, approximately, Märended on Thursday, the 28th September, A.D. 338, gasireha sukla 4 of Saka-Samvat 267 current. at about 21 ghatis, 11 palas, after mean sunrise at Consequently the Vilambin samvatsara included, Bombay (2) Kárttika sukla 13 ended on Friday, at its end, the whole month of Karttika. both the 13th October, at about 13 gh. 42 p. ;-and Purnimdanta and Amdnta, of Saka-Samvat 967 (3) the Amanta Kirttika krishna 13 ended on Fri- current. And the results, here, with the basis day, the 27th October, at about 45 gh. 28 p. of 266 expired, are--(1) the Párnimdnta Karttika If it should be argued that the given year Saka- ksishna 13 ended on Friday, the 21st September, Samvat 261 is to be taken as the expired year, in A. D. 334, at about 13 gh. 26 p. ;(2) Kárttika which case the given date belongs to Saka-Sam. sukla 13 ended on Saturday, the 6th October, at vat 262 current (A.D. 339-40), and the name of about 44 gh. 12 p. ;-and (3) the Amanta Karttika the sanwatsara must be altered from Vilambin krishna 13 ended on Saturday, the 20th October; into Vikårin, the results are-(1) the Párnimanta at about 58 gh. 36 p. Karttika krishna 13 ended on Wednesday, the Thus, in no way whatever can the result of 17th October, A.D. 339, at about 26 gh. 50 p.; Monday, in accordance with the record, be (2) Karttika sukla 13 ended on Wednesday, the obtained directly from the Tables. And there 31st October, at about 59 gh. 33 p. ;-and (3) is only a possibility of a Monday in one instance; the Amanta Karttika krishna 13 ended on Thurs in which, to obtain it, we must deliberately day, the 15th November, at about 52 gh. 19 p. and unjustifiably, alter the name of the given These results are in accordance with the statement samvatsara from Vilambin into Vikårin. of the Tables that, in Saka-Samvat 262 current, These results, therefore, furnish the strongest the month Åsvayuja was intercalary, before Kart- possible corroboration of the opinion already tika. On the assumption that, according to any expressed by me, that this grant is a spurious more ancient system of intercalation, the intercala- crant. Also, since the record evidently intends tion was in some month after Karttika, the re- the Vilambin samvatsara of the Southern System, sults are-(1) the Purnimanta Karttika krishna and since I have already shewn, under No, 9 of, • Read Sómapdréa svinydth. . As the record belongs to Maisur, in no case can the • Thielo detail the oomputation of which I must ending time of the tithi be earlier than the time for leave to others; if it should be thought worth while after Bombay. the present results. ante, Vol. XV. p. 192, note 1.


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