[NOVEMBER, 1888.
FIRST EDICT. Prinsep, J. A. S. B. 1837, p. 581 (cf. p. 965); Burnouf, Lotus de la bonne Loi, p. 654 and ff.
TEXT. 1 Dêvânampiyê Piyadasi lâja hêvam âhâ [.] sadvisati 2 vasa abhisitênal mê iyam dhammalipi likhápita [] 3 hidata pålatê dusampatipâdayê' aħnata agêya dharmaka mataya 4 agâya palikhâyâ agâya susûsâyâ agèna bhayena 5 agêna usâhêna []êsa chu khôo mama anusathiya 6 dhammâpêkhâ dhammakâmatâ châ suve suve vadhita vadhisati chêrå .] 7 pulisa pi ca mê ukasa cha gêveya* chỉ majhima cha anuvidhiyanti 8 nampati på dayanti châ alam chapalan samâdapayitavê hêmêva amta 9 mahamâta pi [] sapi vidhi ya iyamo dhamina palana dhammêna vidhane 10 dhammêna sukhiyanâ dhammêna gotîti [-] NOTES.
late it difficult to obtain,' we run the risk of 1. The sign was formerly considered as contradicting the general intention of the edict. representing dda; Dr. Kern (Ind. Stud. XIV. Whenever we come across the verb patipadayati, 394) has rightly identified it as the sign sampatipadayati in our inscriptions (cf. e. g. followed by the mark of the viráma. No one the detached edicts of Dh, and J.) it has the will hesitate to read, with him, sadvisali. causal meaning indicated by the form. We
2. I have on a former occasion (I. 232) must therefore translate Happiness here indicated en passant what I believe to be the below and happiness in the other world are true derivation of the words hidata and pálata. difficult (not to obtain but) to provide.' The Burnouf (p. 655) identifies them with two king does not address himself to his subjects adverbs'; idhatra (with double locative suffix) in general, but, as appears from the sequel, to and paratra, "used together, by an abuse of his officers of all ranks, whom he charges with language common to popular dialects, as two the moral and religious oversight of his people. neuter nouns." We escape from all the diffi It is to them, and to the cares of their office that culties of such a conjecture,--difficulties on the qualities next enumerated are indispensable. which it is needless to insist,-by taking the In fact this interpretation exactly agrees with two members as abstract nouns, derived by the the thought and intention manifested at the suffix td from the words hida (idha) and para. end of the VIth (rock) edict, in very analogous The latter word can even be referred to pára, terms, and it will be recognised that the conin allusion to the Buddhist expression párain ditions indicated, pariksha alertness in gantusia, to cross to the other side. The two oversight,' bhaya, 'fear' of the king (cf. edict words are here joined in a neuter dvandva, VIII. below) apply infinitely better to the hidatapálatan. A further process of derivation officials in question, than to subjects in general. gives us the adjectives hidatika, páratika, 3. The phrase chu kho does not indicate, as which we find at Kapur di Giri (X. 22; XIII. Barnouf thought, a consequence, also, for.' 11) as paratika (not paratrika); the feminine It indicates, as is shewn by the evidence of the páratiká in its turn gives an abstract substan- synonym tu khổ (e.g. G. IX. 5, 7) and the tive (cf. Mahávastu, I. 522) exactly equivalent various passages where it is employed (e.g. to our párata. Dysanpatipadayê is certainly G. IX. 8, 3, below VIII, 9, &c.), a slight oppo. the participle, for pádiyé, pádyarh. This ex-sition, 'but, now. The conditions of which the ceptional resolution of dya into daya is found king speaks are necessary and difficult to find; elsewhere; e.g. Dhamnap. V. 33, where we but, thanks to his instructions, they develop from have dunnirarayam for durniváryam (cf. in this day to day. It is necessary to read annsathiya edict itself gevaya for grámya). Moreover, A. as one word, as an instrumental. With regard to evidently read pádiye, for it is thus that we the use of suvé suve in the meaning of every mast restore the apparent opádáyê. As for the day,' from day to day,' cf. Dhammap. V. 229. sense, it is important to determine the exact 4. Burnouf's identification of gevayd with shade of meaning. If, with Burnouf, we trans- grányá, appears to me ascertain as it is ingenious.