Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 280
________________ 260 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1888. roots, and the river, proverbial' for its sweet enters the world. Of course, the great God waters, supplied him with drink. He lived, when he enters the room to discharge his in fact, as simply as the bard who sang onerous duty, is invisible to all human eyes. "But from the mountain's grassy side But the eyes of Subrahmanya were not exactly A guiltless feast I bring; human. The supreme knowledge which JñânaA bag with herbs and fruits supplied, nidhi bad imparted to him made it easy for And water from the spring." him to discern at once & person entering His faithful wife brought him these, while most impolitely the room in which his master's Jõậnanidhi himself devoted his whole time wife was being confined. to the contemplation of God. "Let your reverence stop here," said the Such was Jananidhi-the abode of ali know disciple angrily though respectfully. The great ledge-to whom the boy-philosopher, Subrah-God shuddered, for he had been in the habit magya, resorted. After questioning each other of entering hourly innumerable buildings on both were mightily pleased at the fortune which his eternal rounds of duty, but never till then had bronght them together. Jnananidhi was hail a human being perceived him and asked glad toimpart his bard-earned knowledge during him to stop. His wonder knew no measure, his leisure moments to the young student, and and as he stood bewildered the following repriSubrahmanya, with that longing which made mand fell on his ears: "Hoary Brahman sage him renounce the city and take to the woods (for so Brahmâ appeared), it is unbecoming eagerly swallowed and assimilated whatever was your age thus to enter the hut of my master, administered to him. He relieved his mother- unallowed by me, who am watching here. My for such he regarded his master's wife-of all teacher's wife is in labour. Hold your steps." her troubles, and used himself to go out to bring | BrahmA hastily-for the time of inscribing the fruits, herbs and roots necessary for the the future fortune on the forehead of the baby repasts of the little family. Thus passed five to be born was fast approaching-explained to years, by which time our young friend had Subrahmanya who he was and what had become learned in the many branches of Aryan brought him there. As soon as our young hero philosophy. came to know the person who stood before him Jõînanidhi had a desire to visit the source he rose up, and, tying his upper cloth round his of the Tangabhadrâ, but his wife was eight hips as a mark of respect, went round the months advanced in her pregnancy. So he Creator thrice, fell down before Brahmâ's most conld not take her; and to take care of her he holy feet and begged his pardon. Brahma had had to leave behind his disciple, Subrahmanya. not much time. He wanted to go in at once, but Thus, after commending the old lady to 8u. our young friend would not leave the God brahmanya's care, and learing for female until he explained what he meant to write assistance another sage's wife, whom he had on the head of the child. "My son!” said brought from a distant forest, Jñananidhi went Brahmâ, "I myself do not know what my iron his way. nail will write on the head of the child. When The time for confinement was fast approach the child is coming into the world I place the ing, and the old lady even felt the pangs of nail on its head, and the instrument writes the labour. Her attendant remained with her fate of the baby in proportion to its good or inside the cottage, while Subrahmanya sat ontbad acts in its former life. To delay me is side anxiously waiting to hear that his master's merely wrong. Let me go in." wife had been safely brought to bed. " Then," said Subrahmanya," your Holiness Now, there is a strong belief among Hindus most inform me when your Holiness goes out that Brahma, the great creator, writes on what has been written on the child's head." everyone's head at the time of his birth his “Agreed," said Brahma and went in. After a future fortunes in life. He is supposed to do moment he returned, and our young hero at this just at the moment of birth, when the the door asked the God what his nail had child leaves the womb of its mother and written. Ganga mdna Tungd pdna. The Ganges for bath and Tuigl (Tusgabhadra) for drink.


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