Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 271
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1888.) THE EPOCH OF THE NEWAR ERA. 251 y are. wrong; and a satisfactory result is obtained dark half was current, and it ended 7h 35m only, if we take the word sukla of the date to after mean sunrise. [With 810 current, and have been put, either in the original inscrip- the epoch A.D. 878-79, the corresponding date tion or by the editor, erroneously for the word would be Tuesday, October 30, 1688.] krishna. For the European date correspond 20. Bendall's Catalogue, p. 142 :ing to the sixth lunar day of the dark balf Sambat 820 Kárttika-masya-sukla-pakshê of Phâlguna, 769 expired, is Thursday, Feb- trayôdasyam tithau rêvatî-nakshatrê vajraruary 22, 1649, when the 6th tithi of the yôge ... Vțihaspati-vâsare, and other pardark half ended 12h 7m after mean sunrise, ticulars which I omit here. and when, at sunrise, the moon was in the Data :-The year 820, the month Kárttika, nakshatra Anuradh, and the current yôga the bright half, the thirteenth lunar day, Bșiwas Harshana. haspati-vasara or Thursday, the nakshatra 18. Ib., p. 191 : Rovati, and the yôga Vajra. Népêlê samvato =smin haya-giri-muni- Taking 820 to be the year expired, the corbhiḥ samyuté Magha-misê saptamyam sukla- responding (northern) Vikrama year is 820 + pakshe Ravidina-sahitê rêvati-ri-ksharaje i 937 = 1757 current; and the corresponding yôgê śri-siddhi-samjõe. European date is Thursday, October 26, 1699. Data :-The year 777," the month Magha, On that day, at sunrise, the 13th tithi of the bright half, the seventh Janar day, Ravi. the bright half was current, and it ended dina or Sunday, the nakshatra Ravati, and 12h 45m after mean sunrise. Calculated the yoga Siddhi (!). by Prof. Jacobi's tables, the moon, at mean Taking 777 to be the year expired, the sunrise, was in the nakshatra Asvini, the nalcorresponding (northern) Vikrama year is shatra following upon Rêvati, and the current 777 + 937 = 1714 current; and the corre- yoga was Siddhi, the yoga following upon sponding European date is Sunday, January Vajra. [With 820 current, and the epoch A.D. 11, 1657, when the 7th tithi of the bright 878-79, the corresponding date would be Sunday, half ended 22h ilm after mean sunrise. November 6, 1698, nakshatra Bharani, and Moreover, at sunrise, the moon was in the yoga Parigha.] nakshatra Ravati. As to the yôga, the result 21. ante, Vol. IX. p. 193:calculated by Prof. Jacobi's tables would be Abde Råma-prajêsvarâsya-vasubhir-Mâghê Sadhya; and as this yôga (No. 22) is next sitê pakshake to Siddha (No. 21), not to Siddhi (No. 16), 1 sûlê ch=óttaraphalgund Sasad hare vârê dvifeel certain that the word siddhi of the date | tiya-tithau | has been put by mistake for siddha. [With Data :--The year 843, the month Mâgha; the 777 current, and the epoch A.D. 878-79, the bright half, if the word following upon the corresponding date would be Wednesday, word Mághé is taken as it has been taken by January 23, 1656, nakskatra Asvini, and yoga the editor of the inscription) to be sité, but the Sukla.] dark half, if the same word is taken to be asité 19. Ib., p. 192: (Mághé ssité); the second lunar day, SasadharaNépål-abdê gagana-dhariņi-naga-yukte kil= våra or Monday, the nakshatra Uttard-Phal. Örje mase pakshe vidhu-virahitê su-dvitiyâ- gunt, and the yôga Sala. tithau . . . . Ravau. With 843 expired (= 843 +937 = 1780 Data :-The year 810, the month Karttika, Vikrama current) the corresponding European the dark half, the second lunar day, Ravi or date for the bright half of Magha is Sunday, Sunday. January 27, 1723 ; and with 843 current, the Taking 810 to be the year expired, the cor- corresponding date, also for the bright half, is responding (northern) Vikrama year is 810 + January 8, 1722, which was a Monday, but on 937 = 1747 current; and the corresponding which the moon was in the nakshatra Śravishthâ European date is Sunday, October 20, 1689. (No.23 instead of No. 12), and when the current On that day, at sunrise, the 2nd tithi of the yoga was Vyatîpêta (No. 17 instead of No:). . Not 778, as given by the editor of the inscription


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