Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 233
________________ August, 1888.) THE EPOCH OF THE KALACHURI ERA. 217 corrected it into 10, or that, in forming the o, posing it to be correct, the corresponding date his tool slipped, and thus gave to the C a partial would be Monday, December 27, 1176. On appearance of 1. And taking the day to be that day, at sunrise, the 10th tithi of the dark the 10th, I find that the corresponding date is half was current, and it ended 13h 40m after Sunday, November 6, 1155. On that day, at mean sunrise. [Calculated by P. Lehmann's sunrise, the 10th tithi of the bright half was Tables, there was a full-moon, at Bhêra-Ghat, current, and it ended 2h 8m after mean sunrise. about 2 A.M. of December 18, i.e. on December Should the number of the day on an examina- 17, 1176). tion of the stone itself, which is now in 9.-The Towar inscription of JayasinAmerica, after all, prove to be 11, the year 907 hadeva, which has been edited by Dr. F. E. would have to be regarded as an expired year, Hall, in the Journal American Or. Soc., Vol. and the corresponding date would then be Sun- VI. page 512, and of which we have a rough day, November 25, 1156. On that day, at photozincograph in Archæol. Survey of Western sunrise, the 11th tithi of the bright half was India, No. X. page 110, is dated - Sarvat 928 current, and it ended lh 54m after mean sun- Sravaņa su. di. 6 Ravau Hastê, i.e. the year rise. [According to von Oppolzer's Canon der 928, the 6th of the bright half of the month Finsternisse there was a solar eclipse, and con- Sravana, on a Sunday, the moon being in the sequently, a new-moon, on November 26 (i.e. asterism Hasta. The corresponding date 20 days after November 6), 1155, 11h 22m is Sunday, July 3, 1177. On that day, at Greenwich time, or at Lanka, about 5 P. M. sunrise, the 6th tithi of the bright balf was And there was another solar eclipse, and con- corrent, and it ended 7h 39m after mean sunrise. sequently, a new-moon, on November 14, 1156, In A.D. 1177 the solar month Sråvana lasted 22h 32m Greenwich time, or, at LaukA, 3h 35m from about 2h before sunrise of June 27 to A. M., of November 15, i.e. on November 14]. about 3h before sunset of July 28, and it con 7.-The LAL-Pahar rock inscription of tained two new-moons, one on June 27, 18h 34m Narasim hadova, according to the rough photo- after sunrise, and the other on July 27, 1h 51m zincograph published in the Archæol. Survey after sunrise. This year too, therefore, con of India, Vol. IX. Plate ii. is dated - Samvat tained two lunar months Srávaņa, and July 3 909 Srivaņa su. di. 5 Budhê, i.e. 'the year 909, was su. di. 6 of the adhika Sravana, and on the 5th of the bright half of the month Sravana, that day the moon was in the asterism on a Wednesday.' The corresponding date is Hasta. Sa. di. 6 of the mija Sravana would Wednesday, July 2, 1158. On that day, at have been Monday, August 1, when the moon sunrise, the 5th tithi of the bright half was was (not iu Hasta, but) in Jyêshtha. [Calculacurrent, and it ended 16h 26m after mean sunrise. ted by P. Lehmann's Tables, there was a new. In A.D. 1158 the solar month Sravaņa lasted moon, at Lauki, about 1 A.M. on June 28, from about sunset of June 26 to about sunrise i.e, on June 27, 1177). of July 28, and it contained two new-moons, 1 10.- A Sahaspur inscription, according to one on June 27, 19h 8m after sunrise, and the the photo-zincograph published in Archeologiother on July 27, 4h 53m after sunrise. The cal Survey of India, Vol. XVII. Plate xxii: year thereforo contained two lunar months is dated - Sauvat 934 Kirttika sa. di. 15 Sravana, and July 2 was sn. di. of the adhika Budhê, i. e. the year 934, the 15th of the Śrâ vaņa; su. di. 5 of the nija Sravala would bright half of the month Kirttika, on a have been Friday, August 1. [Calculated by Wednesday. The corresponding date is P. Lehmann's Tables, there was a new-moon, Wednesday, October 13, 1182. On that at Lanka, shortly after midnight on June 28, day, at sunrise, the 15th tithi of the bright i.e, on June 27, 1158). half was current, and it ended 13h 57m after 8.- According to Sir A. Cunningham, mean sunrise. [Calculated by P. Lehmann's Archæol. Survey of India, Vol. IX. page 111, Tables, there was a full-moon, at Lanka, on and Indian Eras, page 61, & Bhora-Ghat October 13, 1182, in the evening). inscription is dated 928, Magha ba. di. 10, To the dates given under 5 and 8, I at Monday.' I confess that I have no means present attach, for the reasons stated, very whatever of verifying this statement, but sup- little value. Of the other dates, two have been


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