AUGUST, 1888.)
characters of which he concludes that the era mean sunrise of August 3, which was a Saturused must be that of Kalachuri or Chêdi. The day, and therefore evidently not the day meaning of the date is the year 958, the intended. And in 1175 the same fourth tithi third of the bright half of the first month commenced 8h 9m after mean sunrise of Ashidha,' which shows that in the year men. Thursday, August 21, and ended 10h 4m after tioned Åshadha was an intercalary month. mean sunrise of Friday, August 22. Looking If I am right in assuming that the Chêdi era to the wording of the date, I see no reason why began about 'July-August A.D. 249, the the grant should not have been made during month Âshadha must have been intercalary that portion of Thursday, August 21, 1175, about June, A.D. 1207. And Åshadha was when the fourth tithi was current; on the intercalary in A.D. 1207. For in that year contrary, the tithi in question being the Gaņésa, the solar month Ashadha lasted from May 26, chaturthi, the religions ceremonies and the gifts about 1h 40m after sunset, to June 27, about to Brahmans connected with them, certainly 4h after sunrise, and during that time there onght, so far as I know, since the tithi com. were two new-moons, one on May 28, 9h 30m menced about 8 hours after sunrise, to have after mean sunrise, and the other on June 26, been performed on the Thursday, although 23h 41 m after mean sunrise.
civilly that day was the third of the bright The Rewah copper-plate inscription of half of Bhadrapada. I therefore regard the the maháránaka Kirtivarman, which is men- result as satisfactory;" and will only add, that tioned in Archæol. Survey of India, Vol. XXI. the same result for the commencement of the page 145, and of which I owe an impression to tithi, Thursday, August 21, 1175, would be Mr. Fleet, is dated - samvat 926 Bhadrapada- obtaired, with the epoch A.D. 248-49, for the misê sukla pakshê chaturthyár tithau Guru- Chedi year 926 current, if there were any autho. dine, i.e. the year 926, in the month Bhadra- rity for making the year begin with the month pada, in the bright half, on the fourth tithi, on Âśvina. (See note 5 above.) Gurudina or Thursday.' Judging from the Three other inscriptions, the dates of which style of the letters, and from the fact that the have been referred to the Chedi era (whether paramount sovereign of the grantor was the rightly or wrongly, I must leave it to others to lord of Trikalinga, Jayasinhadova, whom decide), are mentioned ante, Vol. XIII. page from a Têwar inscription mentioned above we 77. know to have reigned in Chêdi-Samvat 928, Of these, the Ilao grant, which has been this date is clearly to be referred to the Chêdi edited by Mr. Fleet, ib. page 115, is dated - Sakaera. With the epoch A.D. 248-49, and a year nripa-kål-atîta-samvatsara-sata-chatushtayê sapcommencing with any of the six months from tadas-Adhike Jyêshth-Amavasya-sûryagrahê, i.e. Chaitra to Bhadrapada, the corresponding date according to Mr. Fleet's translation, 'in (the must belong to A.D. 1174, or, if by chance ! year) four hundred, increased by seventeen, of the year 926 should be the year expired, to the centuries of years that have elapsed from A.D. 1 175. In 1174 the fourth tithi of the the time of the Saka king, at the time of) an bright half of Bhadrapada ended 17h 9m after eclipse of the sun on the new moon day of
16 An exactly similar date, recorded in the Newår era, monies, to which the date refers, evidently were performed about the cpoch of which, as I shall have ocasion to show
in that part of Thursday, Phålguna su. di. 9, during which in a future paper, there can be no doubt whatever, we have
the tenth tithi was current. ante, Vol. IX. pp. 185-185. The wording of it is - Sanitat
[The rule on this point, given to me by Mr. Sh. B. 757 Phalguna.mist sukla-pakshe dacamyan tithau Ardra
Dikshit, is, that the worship of Ganess on the Gand-apana-pansruasi-nakshatré Ayushman-yigBrispati- chaturthi, and any ceremony connected with it, must be vasaré, i e. 'the year 757, in the month PhAlguna in the
performed on that civil day on which there actually is bright half, on the tenth tithi, (the moon being) first in the
the chaturthi or fourth tithi at noon. Iu the present nakshatra ArdrA and afterwards in Punarvasu, in the yoga
instance, this was the case on the Thursday. And, if the Ayushmat, on Thursday'; and the corresponding dato.
grant was made specially to celebrate the Ganesa.chatur.
thi. it must have been made on the Thursday; and so the avdoubtedly is Thursday, March February 23, A.D. 1637
cluaturth, as a current tithi, would for this purpose be On that day, at sunrise, the moon tors in Ardra, and later
properly coupled with the Thursday: though, in the in the day it was in Punarvasu; and the current yoga 1018 almanac, it would be coupled in the ordinary manner, as Ayushmat. Civilly, Thursday, February 23, was the 9th of an expired tithi, with the Friday. There ought to be un the bright half of Phålgana; but the day is, nevertheless, indication of the circumstances, in the record. And this the right day and the wording of the date is literally may be found in the opening verse, which is an invocation correct, because the ninth tithi ended, and the tenth tithi of Ganeka under the names of Héramba and Ganankyaka began, 5b 49mn after mean sunrise. The religious cere. - J.F.F.]