Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 232
________________ 216 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1888. It is true that the same scholar, in order to XV. page 505, is dated Samvat 898, Ashwin obtain the proper week-day, in his Indian Eras, Shudh Saptami'; according to Archeol. Survey page 61, has come to the conclusion that he of India, Vol. IX. page 86, in the Kulachuri may perhaps have misread 793 for 792 ; but Samvat in the year 898, Aswin sudi some'; (disregarding the fact that 792 expired would and page 111,898 Aswina sudi 7, Monday.' after all be 793 current) I believe that any one A photozincograph in Archæol. Survey of obliged to choose would certainly accept Sir A. India, Vol. XVII. Plate xxii. gives only part Gunningham's first statement, and reject his of the date, thus : 'Kalachari) sammvatsarê subsequent conjecture. And assuming the 898;' and Sir A. Cunningham, in his Indian plate to have really been dated -- Samvat 793 Eras, page 6), states that a fresh examination Phalguna ba di. 9 Sômé, ie, the year 793, has shown' the date to be 'Asvina su. di. 2' the 9th of the dark half of the month Phâl- and not Âśvina su. di. 7'). I therefore take guna, on a Monday,' the corresponding date is the date to be 'Kalachuri-samvatsarê 898 Monday, January 18, 1042. On that day, Âśvina bu. di. 2 Sôme,' i. e. 'in the Kalaat sunrise, the 9th tithi of the dark half was churi year 898, the 2nd of the bright half of current, and it ended 17h 9m after mean sun- the month Asvina, on a Monday.' The corrise. [According to von Oppolzer's Canon responding date is Monday, September 9, der Finsternisse, there was a lunar eclipse, and 1146. On that day, at sunrise, the 2nd tithi consequently, a full-moon, on January 9, 1042, of the bright half was current, and it ended 4h 10m Greenwich time, or at Lanka about 21h 54m after mean sunrise. [Calculated by 9 A.M.]. P. Lehmann's Tables, there was a new-moon, 2.-A Ratnapur inscription of Jajalla- at Lanka, about 2 hours before sunrise of dova I. of which a good rubbing has been September 8, i. e. on September 7, 1146]. supplied to me by Dr. Burgess, is dated - Sam. 5.-A Têwar inscription, according to vat 866, Marga su. di. 9 Ravau, i. e. the year Sir A. Cunningham, Archæol. Survey of India, 866, the 9th of the bright half of the month Vol. IX. page 111, and Indian Eras, page 61, is Margasiras, on a Sunday.' The corresponding dated -902, Ashadha su. di. 1, Sunday, a dato is Sunday, November 8, 1114. On that statement about which I am somewhat doubtful, day, at sunrise, the 9th tithi of the bright half and which, at any rate, I am unable to verify. was current, and it ended 19h 54m after mean Supposing it to be correct, the corresponding sunrise. [Calculated by Paul Lehmann's Tables date would be Sunday, June 17, 1151. On for calculating the phases of the moon, there was that day, at sunrise, the first tithi of the a new-moon, at Laika, on October 30, 1114, bright half was current, and it ended 2h after about 3 P. M.]. mean sunrise. [Calculated by P. Lehmann's 3. The Rajim inscription of Jagapala, Tables, thore was a new-moon, at Lanka, shortly of which a good rubbing has been supplied to before noon on June 16, 1151). me by Mr. Fleet, is dated-Kulachuri-samvat- 6.-The Bhora-Ghat inscription of Alhasare 896 Mâghê mîsi sukla-pakshở rathash- nadevi, which has been edited by Dr. F. E. tamyam Budhadine, i.e., in the Kulachari | Hall, in the Journal American Or. Soc., Vol. year 896, on the eighth lunar day called rathásh- VI. page 499, and of which we have a phototam) in the bright half in the month Magha, zincograph in Archeol. Surrey of Western Inon a Wednesday. The corresponding date is dia, No. X. page 107, according to the pubWednosday, January 3, 1145. On that day, lished version, is dated -Samvat 907, Margga at sunrise, the 8th tithi of the bright half su, di. 11 Ravau, i.e. the year 907, the 11th of was current, and it ended 10h 59m after mean the bright half of the month Margasiras, on a sunrise. [According to von Oppolzer's Canon Sunday.' This reading of the date I have der Finsternisse, there was a solar eclipse, and hitherto taken to be correct. At present, howconsequently, a new-moon, on December 26, ever, I strongly incline to accept the sugges1144, 6h 59m Greenwich time, or at Lanka, tion of Mr. Fleet, based upon a more careful about noon). examination of the lithograph than I had given 4.-A sabrinarayan inscription, accord- to it, that the number of the day is 10, and ing to Sir R. Jenkins, Asiatic Researches, Vol, either that the engraver first formed 11, and


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