JULY, 1888.]
BY G. BÜHLER, PA.D., LL.D., C.I.E. THE subjoined inscription' is engraved on a peculiar mistake, U. reading slishța, B,
1 two copper plates, found some years ślishta, and I. chlishta. These facts prove that ago at Bagumra, in the Palsâna Taluka of the all three grants were prepared according to the Nausâri District in the Baroda State. I same model form, but that the writers were, acquired them with some others, pablished in as the documents themselves assert, three this Journal, Vol. XII. pp. 179-190 and different persons, all three distinguished by Vol. XIII. pp. 65-69, by myself and Dr. E. carelessness and ignorance of the classical Hultzsch, through the kind mediation of language. Rao Saheb Mohanlal R. Jhaveri. The The contents of this new grant are as folcircumstances of the find have been mentioned lows:--The 'supreme king of great kings,' the in the former paper.
illustrious Dadda II., who had obtained the five The measurements of the plates are about mahásabdas and who was the son of the illus101 by 7", and thick. The massive rings trious Jayabhata and the grandson of the are preserved and in their proper position. To
illustrious Dadda I., presents the village of the right-hand ring the seal is attached; it
Tatha-Umbará to a Brâhman on the occasion of shews, like those of the published grants of the
an eclipse of the sun, which happened on the same king from Umêta and Ilâo, the legend éri. new-moon day of the month Jyaishtha, when Dada and a square emblem the character of 415 years of the Saka king bad elapsed. The which is not clear. The engraying has been village was situated in the áháradvaliga or done well. The letters are deeply cut and
district of Tatha-Umbara. Its boundaries were, distinct. Only a few have suffered seriously
to the east the village of Ushilathana, to the or been destroyed by verdigris. The charac
south Ishi, to the west Samkiya, and to the ters resemble those of the other two grants
north Jaravadra. The donee was Bhatta very closely. The word rdsakát (1.1) shews, Gôvinda, the son of Bhatta Mahidhara, who as in the latter, the cursive form of va, which belonged to the community of the Chaturvedins looks like na. The royal signature (1. 32) is
of Kanyakubja, i.e. to the Kanojià Brâhmans of written in the antiquated Nagari letters, which Gujarât, to the Kausika-gotra, and to a school the Umêta grant also exhibits. The spelling of the adherents of the Chhaudôga-Sakhi. He and the grammar of the Sanskrit text are as
received the village in order to defray the exslovenly and fanlty as in the other two grants, penses of the five so-called great sacrifices and with which the wording of its first portion of other religious ceremonies. The conditions agrees almost literally. But it must be noted of the grant are the usual ones. The charter that, tbough the character of the mistakes is was written by the royal servant Révadita, or, the same, they do not always occur in the as the correct form of the name would be, same words. Thus, in l. 1, U. reads vásakat, Rêråditya, the son of Dimôdara. Like the B. and I. rósakát; in l. 3. U. and B. read other two grants, it is dated from the victorious samaya and phalodgiyamána, I. samaya, and camp or cantonment (rikshépa), situated at phalódgiyamána; ibidem U. reads nistrinsa the gates of the town of Bharukachchha. B. and I. nistrissa; in 1. 4, U. reads didhiti, The date and the geographical names are B. and I, dihiti. In other cases B. alone the only new points contained in the inscriphas a faulty form and in one case, 1. 4, where tion, which require further remarks. The the context requires klishta, each grant shows former seems to contain a mistake in the
1 A German paper on this inscription has been pub. lished in the Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vol. CXIV. p. 89ff.
In order to save space I call in the sequel the Umetà grant, U., that from Illo, I., and the new one, B.
To my remarks on the word ahira, ante, Vol. VII. p. 71, I may now add that it occurs also in Bud.
dhistic literature. In a note to Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XI. p. 31, Dr. Rhys Davids adduces for the word adhuram from the commentary the explanation Bajanapad 191. The meaning of dealisia or adralija is not clear to me. Possibly the word is a corruption of dvidal and intended to indicate that the ahara included twelve villages.