Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 211
________________ JULY, 1889.) BAGUMRA PLATES OF. DADDA II. 197 extraordinary return for his kindness to Dhru- tions, excepting the fourth, are dated accordVasena II. The occupation of Broach by the ing to the Chêdi era, and that their dates corruler of Valabhî, however, cannot have lasted respond to the years 642-3, 669-70, 691-92, long; for KÂ. and Na. prove the continuance 731, and 738-39 A.D. As regards the family of the Gurjara dynasty and their holding of the donors, Vijayaraja 'calls himself a the province of Broach. Moreover a great poli- Chalukya, and names a Jayasimha as his grandtical catastrophe seems to have happened in father. His connection with the main line Valabhs soon after 648 A.D. The grants of of Bâdêmi is not stated. But the date of his this year are the last which, as far as we know grant makes it probable that his grandfather at present, Dharasêna IV. issued. In Samvat was the Jayasimba-Dharabraya who is named 332 or 650-51 A.D., Dhruvasena III., his in the Nirpaņ grant,* and who was a younger youngest cousin twice removed, occupied his brother of Pulakesin II. of Bådâmi. The place. Dharasêna IV. must, therefore, have donors of the other four grants are brothers died shortly after the issue of the two grants and sons of a younger son of Polakesin II. of dated from Broach. As the youngest member BAdêmi, who was also called Jayasinhaof another branch of his family succeeded him, Dharâsraya (see the Pedigree of the Chaluit is probable that he lost his life in consequence kyas of Bådami and Gujarât, on page 199). of an internal revolution. Such an event wonld, This Jayasimha received, as the grants hint, of course, present a favourable opportunity for the province of Gujarat from his brother the Gurjaras to regain their lost possessions. Vikramaditya I. of Bådâ mi, and handed About the same time as the conquest of over the administration to his son and heirBroach by Dharasena IV., or perhaps a little apparent Siladitya-Sryasraya, who, it would earlier, happened the second misfortune which seem, died before his father. Afterwards the Gurjaras had to suffer. This was the loss the succession to the Chalukya possessions of the southern half of their dominions to the in Gujarat devolved on Jayasimha's second Chalukyas. We know at present of five Cha- son Mangala or Mangalarasaråja, surnamed lukys grants, belonging to the second, third Vinayaditya-Yuddhamalla, and later on and fourth quarters of the sixth century and to Pulakėśivallabha-Jankáraya. All these kings the second quarter of the seventh century, which remained feudatories of the kings of Bâdami show that during this long period the districts | in the Dekhan. immediately north and south of the Tapti, | The village given away in the Kheda grant the British Täluka of Olpad and the Gaikwadi of Vijayaraja is Pariyaya, which lay east of the district of Kamrêj and Nausâri, belonged to village of Sandhiyara and belonged to the branches of the great Chalukya dynasty of province of Kasakala. Pariyaya is the Badami. These documents are (1) the Khêda modern Pariya in the south-eastern corner of grant of Vijayaraja or Vijayavarman, dated the Talaka of Olpad ; and Sandhiyara is now Saivat 394, (2) the Nausari grants of the called Sandhier which lies a few miles further Yuvardja Siladitya-Sryâśraya, dated Samvat west on the local-fand road from SÂyan to 421.(3) the Surat grant of the same prince, Olpad. The fact that the district on the dated Samvat 443, (4) the Balsar grant of Man- northern bank of the Tapti was called Kasagalaraja, dated Saka-Samvat 663, (5) the Nau. kQla is also established by Dr. Bhagvânlal's sari grant of Pulakcsivallabha-Janaśraya, dated Rathôr grant from Antrôli-Chharðli, which Sanvat 490. After what has been said by Dr. village is called in the inscription SthåvaraBhagvanlal and General Sir A. Cunningham, it pallikA and is stated to belong to the province of may be considered certain that all these inscrip- Kalakala." The Nausfri grant of Śry Aśraya A grant of Dhruvasens III. bearing the date given, Bo. Br. R. A. S. loc. cit. was in the possession of Dr. Bhagvanlal Indrajt, to whom 5. See ante, Vol. IX. p. 128ff. I owe the knowledge of its existence. 45 See Trig Survey Map, Gaj. Ser. No. 14. The only reliable edition of this grant is Mr. Floet's, * See Jour, Bo. Br. R. AR. Soc. Vol. XVI. p. 105. see ante, Vol. VII. p. 848 11. The identification of Chhåroli with Sthåvarapallika has * Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. XVI. p. 18. been made by Dr. BhagvånlAl. He omitted to menI Grants Nos. 3 and 5 have been published by Dr. tion that the village of Khairoda is represented by the Bhanlal Indrii in the Verhandlungen des Biebenten modern Kherws and the town of K Ashthapurt by Kathôr. Int. Orientalisten Congresses in Wien, Arische Section, All these places are to be found in the sheet of the Trig. p. 910 11. The fourth grant has been described by the S. Map. No. 14 in 21°, 11-20 N. Lat. and 720, 56-789 same scholar, ante, Vol. XIV. p. 75 and in the Journal E. Long.


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