Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 158
________________ 144 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1888 skilled both in Astrology and Medicine. In poetry English readers as one of those concerned in the he was the disciple of Amir Mu'izzi. Dolet attempt to place his father, Husain 'Ali Mirza, Shah, in his Tazkereh mentions the Chehar Magd. Firman Firms, on the throne of Persia in sucoesleh; and adds that the poet also composed a metri. sion to Fath 'Alt Shah. The attempt proving cal version of the romance of Vais u Ramin. | unsuccessful, Timor Mirza and his five brothers Hamdu'llah Mustoft in his Tarikh Engideh fled from Fars to Baghdad, and subsequently (apparently copied in the Habib-us-Siyar, Vol. went on to Europe and England. One of the II Juz. 4) mentions a Majma'un-Nevdder as Princes, Najef Qull Mirza, wrote an interesting also by him. In the Haft Iqlim in the description account of the events which followed the death of of Samarqand, it is stated that he composed two their grandfather, Fath 'Ali Shah, and of their prose works: the present work and the Majma'un. adventures in consequence. This work was Nevdder. Haji Khalifeh (Vol. II. p. 656) men- translated into English, and printed in London tions the Chehar Maqaleh, and in Vol. V. p. 405 by W. Tyler (undated), for private circulation also mentions the Majma'un-Neudder. In this only, in 2 volumes, under the Title: "Journal second notice he calls the anthor Nizam.n'a. Din'l of a Residence in England of their Royal Aba'lHasan Ahmed bin 'Umer bin 'Alt ul-Mekki | Highnéases Reeza Koolee Meerza, Najat Koolee ul.'Arūzi 18-Samarqandi. The Sham'Anjuman Meerza, of Persia ; to which are prefixed some (p. 451) mentions both works. In the preface particulars respecting modern Persia to the Majma'ul-Fusehd of Rezê Quli Khan, the death of the late Shah." Majma'un-Nevdder is mentioned as one of the Timar Mirza, after thirty years' exile at Baghdad, sources of that work. A notice of the poet will returned to Persia. Being a great sporteman he be found in the Majma' ul-Fusehá, Vol. I. p. 635. was in constant attendance at the shooting excur. The Atash-kedeh also contains a notice of the sions of Nâsir-u'd-Din Shah, the present ruler of author of the Chehár Maqaleh. Persia. No one knew better than he how to train S. J. A. C. and keep the different varieties of hawks used by the Persians in their hunting expeditions. The THE BOOK OF THE FALCON. present treatise was written in A.H. 1285, and has been lithographed at Tehran undated. Its Timur Mirza, the author of the work called author died on the 18th Rabi II, A.H. 1291. the -li; Baz Nameh, is better known to S. J. A. C. BOOK NOTICE. ASIATIC RESEARCHES.- Popular Edition, Vol. II. Re- the reduced scale of the reprint would have preprinted by BROJENDRO LALL Doss, Calcutta, 1885-7, sented no difficulty of any sort, they have been Royal 8vo., pp. 398. reproduced in the same size as in the original; We noticed the first volume of this convenient the result is cumbersome and unwieldy, and tho reprint ante, Vol. XV. p. 216, and expressed a hope, l entire volume is disfigured. The volume begins which we are sorry has not been fulfilled, that the with the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Anniversary numbers would be issued more frequently. Volume Discourses delivered by the President in February II., of which the first number was issued in 1787, 1788 and 1789; and includes papers read September 1885, was only completed in January before and communications made to the Asiatic 1888. At this slow rate of progress the reprint is Society in Bengal, the earliest of which is dated not likely to be of much use, nor will subsequent 3rd March 1784, and the latest February 1790. volumes find many subscribers. We trust the The article numbered V. (pp. 62-85), in which the publishers will be able to expedite the issue of President, Sir William Jones, describes his visit the rest of this reprint of a valuable and rather (on his way to India in 1783) to the Island of rare series of volumes. In the present handy and Hinzuan or Johanna," one of the Comoro islands, cheap form the work ought to be welcome to is not a little curious. Davis's article, dated 15th many persons, but its value is seriously injured February 1789,"On the Astronomical computaby delays which will spread the reprint over a tion of the Hindus” (pp. 175 to 226), is still, quarter of a century. The letterpress of Vol. II. we believe, worthy of study. An article of appears equal to that of the first volume, and general interest is No. XVII., "an account of faithful in every respect. The Tables which form the Kingdom of Nepal," written by the Capuchin Pp. 157 and 158 in the original edition, have, Father Joseph, Prefect of the Catholic Mission however, been treated in a very clumsy manner. in that country, in which he resided several years Although their reduction from the original size to about the middle of the last century.


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