[MAY, 1888.
The fair artist, thereupon, to secure the in- minister, her father, and the gallant young terests of her Raja's son, fanned the flame by prince when our fair artist returned home telling her strange and vividly-coloured stories after a long absence, and related to them the of his manliness, valour and virtues, till at successful termination of her mission. The last she inspired her with such a love for him old man hailed her as the saviour of his life, that one day, being unable to contain herself, and the young prince loaded her with honours the princess expressed an earnest desire to and precious gifts. see him. This was the very thing the clever Immediately afterwards the prince set out young lady desired, and she readily promised with a grand cavalcade and a magnificent train to go back to her country and do all in her of followers for the court of our fair heroine's power to bring her prince to the feet of the father, and, needless to say, he was soon accepted fair princess by telling him her story and as a worthy suitor for the fair princess's hand, thereby creating in him a desire to see her. I and in the course of a few days their union was
Great was the joy both of the old prime I celebrated with due éclat and rejoicings.
(Continued from p. 114.) When the Taijuts had withdrawn, Temujin On the third day the Taijuts said to one said to himself: “Lately, when I was taken another: "Has not some one hid Temujin ? Let round from one encampment to another, while I us search our camp.” They accordingly began a stayed in the house of Sorkhan Shira, his sons, search, and they looked over Sorkhan's yurt, his Chinbo and Chilaoun, 15 shewed me sympathy. kibitka and under his couch. They then went At night they removed the wooden collar and to the cart loaded with wool and commenced to allowed me to rest at ease. To-day Sorkhan throw the wool out. When there remained himself has concealed my whereabouts from his only the back part to be searched, Sorkhan said: companions and has done so more than once. I "Could a man in such a hot season exist under will go to him. Assuredly he will protect me." this wool P” They then left off their search and He accordingly went along the Onon looking left. When they were some distance off Sorfor Sorkhan's yurt, which could be recognised khan said to Temujin : "You have nearly been from afar from the noise made by the machine my destruction ; you have nearly blown the fire for making kumiz (the Altan Topchi says the out of the ashes." Go now and search ont your noise made in mixing the milk for making arrak) mother and your brothers." He thereupon which went on from morning till evening. gave Temujin a mare which had never foaled,
Guided by this noise Temajin found the which had a yellow body and a white face, yurt, and when he entered it Sorkhan said to and unfastened its strap, as is customary still him: "I told you to go and seek out your among the Mongols when presenting a horse. mother and brothers, why have you come here?” He also gave him a fat roasted lamb which had His sons, Chinbo and Chilaoun, said: "When a been fed with the milk of two ewes, some small bird is chased by a hawk it hides itself in mare's milk in a skin, and a bow with two arrows, the grass. If we do not offer shelter to a man but not an instrument for making fire." who flies to us we shall be behaving more This quaint saga is reported at length in the ungraciously than the grass." They then re- Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi and also in the Altan Topchi moved the cangue and buried and hid him and by Ssanang Setzen. The two latter authoin a load of sheep's wool which was standing at rities call the Sulduz who helped Temujin the back of the yurt, and told their sister Torghan Shara. I have, in one or two difficult Khadaan''to look after him, and to say nothing passages, where the Chinese Editor of the Yuanabout it. The Altan Topchi says they told ch'ao-pi-shi seems to bave misunderstood his her to lie down beside him.
author, used the version in the Altan Topchi. 16 Called Chimbai and Chilaghon by Sranang Setzen. 15 The Altan Topchi says a two years old kid. # Called Shilughakhan Khatakhan by Ssanang Setzen 1 19 Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi, pp. 43 and 44. ar i.e. destroyed him.