Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 92
________________ 82 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1888. They were accordingly received with much a hanting expedition on a large scale, and politeness by the Maharani Nakayin, the departed with his army to Dêra Nanak, where mother of Prince Kharak Singh, who showed he performed devotions, distributed alms, and them all the fair ones sitting, in beautiful attire, ordered the capola of the temple to be rebuilt on one side, whilst they were placed on the of stone, gilded, and adorned in every way. other; and after they had conversed for a while, Then he departed to Adinanagar, and the the Maharani presented each of them with some locality being very pleasant, he determined to jewellery, and they departed. To give due remain there a few weeks. During his stay two honour to the English commandant, the Maha- envoys, Mr. Macnaghten and Mr. Burnos, raja Gulab Singh was instructed to accompany sent by the Governor-General arrived, to inform him to the banks of the Satluj. the Maharaja that the English Government News arrived that Dost Muhammad had was on the point of invading Afghanistan for again sent an army, commanded by one the purpose of replacing the exiled king Shah HAJI KAkar, from the Khaibar in the direc. Shujaa upon the throne, and removing Dôst tion of Peshawar, and that the Sikh gar Muhammad therefrom. Being an ally, the rison of Jamrüd, having been besieged by Maharaja was invited to send his own forces the Afghåns, had been liberated by Sardar with the English army, and to allow the latter Hari Singh, who had marched from Pêshûwar to march through his dominions to Afghánisand beaten the Afghans, but that nevertheless tân, by way of Peshawar, and as the British more reinforcements would be welcome. Troops troops were also in Sind as far as Shikârpúr, to were accordingly despatched the same day, permit them to pass also through that portion of but they had not gone further than Gujrat bis territories as well. When Ranjit Singh when a courier met them with the information heard the proposals, and considered that he that the Afgháns had again advanced from the had conquered Sind by main force, hu felt unKhaibar Pass and occupied Jamrud, but that willing to consent, but as he desired to remain Sardar Hari Singh had expelled them after slay- on good terms with the English, he agreed to ing 500 and pursued them towards the Khai- all they wanted, and promised to send alao an bar. When he had reached 'Alimardân they had auxiliary force of his own, making only one again gathered in force and offered battle, in condition, that after his restoration, Shah which the Sikhs defeated the Afghans; but Shuja'a should pledge himself to cast off all while engaged in plundering, they had left their rancour towards the Maharajà, become his commander Harî Singh ansupported, and he friend, and renounce all claims opon the poshad been assailed by some of the enemy and session of Peshawar, Kashmir, Multân, and killed, whereon the troops marched back to the Pêrajât. On this occasion & treaty Peshawar. Mahan Singh, the commander of was drawn up between the English and the the fort of Jamrud had kept the death of Maharaja, who thereon accompanied the two Harl Singh secret, and requested the Maha- envoys to LA bôr, where he entertained them râjâ to send troops quickly. Ranjit Singh hospitably, giving them presents, till they de. was greatly affected by this sad news, de parted. Then the Governor-General, having plored the loss of his brave general, and brought his army to Firozpûr, then on the consulted his amirs, who were of opinion that frontier of the Pañjab, despatched Mr. Wade if Dost Muhammad heard of Hari Singh's to the Maharaja with the request to favour him death, he would at once march to Peshawar | with an interview. Accordingly Ranjit Singh and conquer it forthwith, and that to forestall came up with his army, and on arriving near the him, the Maharajà ought to take the field in Satluj, opposite to the English camp, despatched person. Ranjit Singh accordingly at once the prince Kharak Singh to inquire after hastened to Peshawar, put to the sword all the the Governor-General's health, and he was opponents he met, restored order, left sufficient received with much politeness. After Mr. Mactroops for the defence of the district, and naghten had paid a visit to the Maharaja, the returned to LÅhôr. latter went with his courtiers and escort to meet 39. After his victorious campaign in Pesha- the Governor-General, but he had scarcely war, the Mahârâjà determined to undertake crossed the bridge, when the latter advanced


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