Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 118
________________ 106 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. APRIL, 1888. sword. It began to rust and Râjâchâ Masthiâ countries and come back with their wives. began to feel ill, and was daily losing his They therefore went, and, taking their wives, strength. The trees also he had given to his bid a parting adieu to their many friends and friends, the carpenter and the hunter, began acquaintances who regretted them very much. to fade. All the care bestowed by them had When they reached Rajâchâ Masthik's counno effect, and they made certain that some- try again they were appointed his higbest thing was wrong with Râjâchâ Masthiâ. officers in the State. And Râjâchâ Masthiâ, The carpenter at once set out in search the hunter and the carpenter and their wives, of his friend, with the object of giving him lived together very happily for many many some help if possible. After travelling several years like brothers and sisters, and were loved days he came to the city where the hunter and respected by all the citizens, and when had married and settled. He saw him also they were no more they were long remempreparing to go on the same errand as bimself bered by them as their deliverers and and so they set out together. On the way the benefactors. hunter told the carpenter how he had come to RAJACHA MASTHIA. settle in that country, and thus they walked Ek hôthû rûzê zê rûz karith asê êkê môthe and walked for many days, and at last reached râzasthanavar. Thiâcho mr3 hôthis murad the city in which Râjâchå Masthiâ was. But paltani, ani sâram jem ka kônâchan êuzavél : the difficulty was how to find him. So they pûn êkê vârthể kartham thồ hôthâmurad both disguised themselves, the hunter as a chaná.khanthi kam thð hôthâ niputhri, ani thiqchê kurmuriwálá, and the carpenter asa bángríálá.' mêliapätti kôni nôtham thiâcham râz châlvâlâ. In this disguise they went from house to Ia karthain râjâzûn murad dharam kela, guê house, and tried to gain some clue as to the asian thari, garib dublê razar karthin ani whereabouts of Rajâchâ Masthia. At last, Parmêsôr auladh del. Thavam murad têpasin after great trouble and much delay, the mothê mhathirpanân, râni reli pürmasini, ani carpenter (as bangriwala) got the necessary têp púrliavar ék sokra zhailâ. Thô sôkra bêgin information from an old woman. Accordingly begin vårlâ, âni râzâ ani sari thjâchi raith the carpenter and the hunter put aside their khuśklin bharlir. disguises, and, with the aid of the diamond Atham dhônak varsam jeliâvar ek skri possessed by the carpenter, they soon made zalmali, ani thiâ vakthâśim sûrim mânsar thila their way into the palace of RAjacha Masthiî, lêkhûm lâglim ûni sôkriâchi kôn dâdh kari They reached there just in time to be of use naść, aurêthûk guê kôn thiâlâ bagith pûn to him. He had become very weak and in a nasat. Atham sôkra lâhân hôthâu khará pûn day or two he would have been no more. thiâchê manan dûbîu jêlâ, ani ia karthar thiala Their first care on entering the subterraneous ailâ kontâlâ. Barů zântha zhailiâvar, mothê palace was to inquire of Rajâchê Masthiâ as bakalchâ uthe, ghôrikvar basó a ni zai rinin to what they could do to alleviate his sickness. zanglân, âni thaiam gauýlianche merg dudh He remembered his sword and told them to mångthase îni pithase. Pailâ thô sêrbô dâdh clean and sharpen it. They lost no time, but pithase, maghšim dhôn sêr, ani aissam kartham at once set about it, and as the rust began karthar ailâ manavar. Auram dâdh piûn piûn to disappear Rajâchê Masthis gained strength, thô zhaila mazbûth, auréthûk gue gharê zûtham and as soon as the sword was sharp and bright jêr thiâchê vattên ailam thauran thôr mor Rajâchâ Masthiâ stood up and walked about karûn chûrâ. Zharam bôlå, gharam bâlâ, phôr with his asual vigour, as if nothing was the thôr karûn bhûsâ. Ia kartham thiàcham 10khamatter with him. zûn naum thêvilam Rajáchå Masthi Gharû The carpenter and the hunter after some ailia barabôr thiâchê kûmbrian zäunsim konala months expressed a desire to Rajacha Masthiâ eandei nase. Chükaréunsim thiâlâ sangath guê to live with him. Rajíchâ Masthia, too, could khawacharn thniâr hai, půn thô îsra jhei nass not bear the idea of parting with them again; kònâchâ ani thiêná sânge thiâncham kam sami. 80 he told them to go to their respective lâvå. Athari râjâchê sókrizûn murid vakath - Gram and parched rice hawker. • Bangle hawker


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