Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 61
________________ FEBRUARY, 1888.] FOLKLORE IN SALSETTE. 53 both went out, and the hunter having taken other necessaries, put down the proper price what was necessary from the shops, laid the on the counter, and set about preparing the money on the counters, and set about cooking. dinner. When the rice was boiled he poured it on a In a short time the rice was boiled and pathrável, when tbe ránkhas made his appear- Râjâchâ Masthiâ poured it over & pathrável, ance again and demanded the rice of the when lo ! the ránkhas spenting the fine savour hunter. The hunter was a little reluctant at of the dinner came to claim his share. first, but the rankhas said: “Give up the rice “Who are you P" asked Rajâchå Masthiâ, at once or I will make a meal of you instead." "and what do you want here P" The hunter was terror-stricken at these words, The ránkhas replied: "Do not trouble yourand without any resistance handed the pathra- self as to who I am, give up the rice in an vél with the rice to the rankhás, who ate it instant, or you are my victim. I will swallow and disappeared. both the rice and you." Now the hunter hastened to boil some more But our hero was not to be deterred by such rice, but Rajach Mastbiâ and the carpenter threats. “Wait a few moments," he said, and came in and asked for dinner. The carpenter I will give you the rice." Saying this he went who had had his experience the day before, and fetched his sword, and with one stroke he at once conjectured that the hunter must have stretched the ránkhas on the ground, where he met with the same fate as he had, and under- lay like a great mountain. Having killed him stood the cause of the delay. The hunter, too, he proceeded to examine this great monster more guessed that the carpenter must have also had closely, when his attention was attracted by & visit from the ránlchas but of course he would something very bright at the rankhas' waist. not tell Rajáchå Masthia what had occurred, Approaching the body Rajâchỉ Masthill took and made some excuse to account for the delay. it and found it was a diamond of great size. All hands were now busy in preparing dinner, Now near where the ránkhas lay dead was a and when it was ready they satisfied the crav. tank. As soon as the diamond was reflected in ings of hunger. the tank, behold! there a passage opened. When they rose on the third day Rajâcb& Râjâcha Masthiâ descended by a ladder that Masthis said: “To-day it is my turn to cook. he saw, and he came to a splendid palace. You two go about the village." But the hun. Entering it he saw a damsel of rare beauty, ter and the carpenter would not allow it. Şaid and chatted with her a long while, and they: “It is not becoming that yon, a pardhan, then finding that it was time for the hunter should cook and give us to eat. We two will and the carpenter to return for dinner, he make it our duty to cook every alternate day." left her, thongh she was very reluctant to They said this, not because they really had any let him go. He, however, took good care to feelings of respect towards Râjâchâ Masthiâ take the diamond with him. He came home as a pardhán, but because they feared that he just a little before the hunter and the carpenter would come to learn of their encounters with returned, and when they came he pretended the ránkhas, and they would thereby be dis- that nothing had happened. After they had graced. Râjâchê Masthiâ, however, was not to their dinner, Râjâcha Masthià asked first the be persuaded, but said: "You had your torns carpenter and next the hunter, to tell him the and you did your duty. To-day it is my turn, and true cause of the delay in preparing dinner on I must do my duty. I am a pardhán it is the previous days. They confessed their faults true, but here I do not insist on my dignity. and begged forgiveness. Rajáchâ Masthis, We are equals." who was as kind-hearted as he was strong, The hunter and the carpenter saw no alterna- knew their weakness and forgave them, warntive but to submit. So they went about the ing them, at the same time, not to tell lies village, fully believing that at their return they again. He then took them and showed where would be reprimanded for their cowardly. con- the mountain of a monster lay dead. duct on the previous days. As soon as the hunter The next thing Rajách& Masthia did was and the carpenter were gone Râjâchå Masthill to put up on a lofty post a large flag with the went to one of the shops, took rice, ghi, and inscription : "All who are of this city need


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