Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 64
________________ 56 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. plundering, with the intention of conquering the whole of the Panjab. Accordingly Yâr Muḥammad advanced at once and attacked him, but being in want of the needful ammunition, he bad to struggle with great disadvantages, fought valiantly, and was slain. Ventura immediately afterwards dispersed the freebooters, took possession of Pêshawar, and wrote to the Maharajâ for instructions, which soon arrived, and were to the effect that if Sultân Khân promised to pay the annual tribute, to remain loyal, and to part with Laili, he should be appointed governor of Pêshâwar and enjoy the favour of the Mahârâja: in case, however, of the refusal of Sultan Khân to accept these proposals, Ventura himself was to govern the district of Peshawar on behalf of Ranjit Singh. The wishes of the Maharaja having been Communicated to Sulțân Khân, he promised implicitly to obey them, and at once produced the mare Laili, offered a nazarána and received a robe of honour in return for it. The arrival of Ventura in Lâhôr with Laill which he presented to the Mahârâja, was a signal for great rejoicings and the showering of favours upon the General, who however, was not long there before the news came that, as soon as he had departed from Peshawar, Sayyid Ahmad had arrived there, and that Sulțân Khân, being a coward, had paid him allegiance, so he had left him in his post of governor and continued his depredations, which, if conducted on a more extensive scale, would eventually spread to the Pañjab unless checked. Accordingly the Mahåråjå forthwith despatched the prince Sher Singh with troops to punish the robbers, and after the latter reached the Hazara country he issued proclamations to the inhabitants that they ought not to flee and had nothing to fear from the Sikh troops. Then he attacked the enemy, thousands of whom were slain in a single engagement, Sayyid Ahmad himself with his relative and Wazir Maulavi Isma'il being among the number. When tranquillity had been completely restored, and the rebels utterly exterminated, the prince again installed Sulțân Khân as governor of Pêshawar, and returned with the troops to Lâhôr, when the Mahârâjâ received him with great honours. 31. Ranjit Singh, who entertained great affection for the king of England, desired to manifest it by sending him the following pre [FEBRUARY, 1888. sents:-Very fine garments of wool and silk; priceless gems, such as diamonds, rubies, and turquoises; a beautiful carpet of Kashmir-wool interwoven with gold; a great tent of woollen cloth, the like of which had never been seen; and various other rarities. The bearer was the great Amir Faqir 'Azizu'ddin, whom the Governor-General received in darbár at Simla, and graciously thanked after he had delivered his message. The presents arrived safely in London, and were highly approved of by the king, who, in his turn, sent various gifts to the Maharajâ, and among them a vehicle called a phaeton with four noble and swift-footed mares, and a beautiful Arab steed. The envoy, Mr. Burnes, who had brought these gifts from England, was received by the Mahârâjâ with great honours in a darbár at Lâhôr, and Mr. Wade, the Agent of the English Government, who usually resided at Lôdiânâ, having arrived, was likewise present. After the termination of the darbar the Mahârâjâ gave a brilliant state dinner. Then the Sardar Hari Singh with Faqir 'Azizu'ddin and Moti Ram, who was also a high dignitary at the court of the Pañjâb, departed to Simla with presents of fine garments and precious stones for the GovernorGeneral, with the request that the Mahârâjâ, desirous of strengthening the bonds of friendship between the English Government and himself, wished to have a personal interview with His Excellency, whom he begged to point out a convenient and pleasant locality for the meeting. The Governor-General graciously received the three envoys, and, assuring them that the king of England entertained the sincerest friendship for their sovereign, mentioned Rupar as the place most convenient for the interview. When the three envoys returned with this information, preparations were immediately begun, and all the troops who were to escort the Mahârâjà obtained brand new uniforms; the courtiers and high amírs also received notice to make arrangements for appearing in the best manner they could on that solemn occasion; and, all being ready, the Maharaja started with 10,000 cavlary, 6,000 infantry and ten pieces of artillery, but first proceeded with all these troops to Amritsar, where he spent two weeks, celebrating the Dasahrâ festival and carousing. He then he marched straight to Kâtgadh and encamped.


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