Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 72
________________ 64 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1888. body, is endowed with six faces, (was born), as (L. 13). --The wealth acquired by him, who the elder son, from Siva and his consort." spread his fame aloft by (building) temples, Their fifth son of those® (six), resembling (wealth) which gave relief to people in distress, the five-arrowed (Kama). (and) the root of no (and) filled the bellies of those filled with joy slight fame, who is celebrated for his know at the receipt of food,was sufficient to exceed ledge of wisdom, is named, with an appropriate the multitude of the twice-born supported by name, Vidyadhara, the holder of wisdom.' it). (L. 11.)-Whose comprehensive mind, full of He was as it were another Bodhisattva, such taste (and) attached to the feet of Siva, Bharatias had never existed before, having assumed a (the goddess of eloquence) never abandoned, human body for the protection of the multitude just as the swan never leaves the extensive of living beings. Manasa lake, full of water (and) situated at the (L. 15). -Elevated by the knowledge of the foot of the lord of mountains (Himalaya). soul, (and) with a mind rising above the attach Vain is the sweetness of honey (and) the proment to passion and other sins of which he was ficiency in creating) joy of the cool-rayed getting rid, having again and again pondered (moon); a sham indeed is the quality of depth on the indifference towards the doctrine of of the ocean (and) the height of the mountain ; Sugata, he, having resorted to the good path, --(but) enough! by the excellent qualities of caused to be built and granted to the ascetics, this mountain for the ascent of every single after the manner of convents, a dwelling causing excellency, of this unique receptacle of the joy, a unique home as it were of his oron) abundant sparkling nectar of benevolence, fame. everything whatever that is endowed with Taking delight in whatever is dear to him, excellent qualities has been surpassed! the unique home of prudence, whose conduct Him, who knew the secret doctrine regarding is an object of adoration for people of true elephants, (and) who, unrestraited, bore the knowledge, Udayin, (his) kinsman by associaburden of elephants that was causing pleasure tion, whose heart is pure like the moon (and (to him), the head-ornament of princes, the who is) wise (and) accomplished (and) becoming lord of the earth, Madans, sought to attach to prosperous, has composed (this) eulogy. himself by gifts, honours, and so forth. The year 1276. THE RUPEES OF THE SURI DYNASTY. BY CHAS. J. RODGERS, M.E.A.8., &c. Marsden in the Numismata Orientalia Illus- None of these coins were my own; but the trata gives figures of six Sart rupees, and rupees in the accompanying plates were all col. Thomas in the text and plates of his Chronicles lected by me in the básárs of the Panjab, of the Pathán Kings of Dehli gives figures of though they, too, are no longer in my own cabiseven. So, when some years ago I came across net, but in that of the Government Central my first Sûri rapee, I determined to collect a Museum, Egmore, Madras. However, Dr. Bidie, complete set from the first year of Shor Shah who was Curator of that Institution when I to the return of Humayan, i.e., from 946 A.H. parted with them, kindly allowed his artist to 962 A.H., and in my Supplements to the to draw them for me. And, as few collectors in Chronicles above mentioned, I have already India possess so complete a set, perhaps the published a rupee of Sikandar Sar dated 962 readers of this Journal will be glad to see A.H., Lahore mint, and an eight anna piece of these Plater, in order that they may observe Ibrahim Sur. I have also published a full the variety and beauty of the rupees issued rupee of Humayan struck shortly after his by the Súris during the absence of Homayún return at the end of 962 A.H. from India, and thus obtain an idea of From this verse it appears that Pippata is another his wife, Siva's generative energy being cast into the name of Skanda or Karttik'ya. The writer, though he makea Kârttikeya the son of Siva and Parvati, at the Tat-palichama is an irregular compound. same time alludes to the legend wecording to which Udarambharina, which is not found in the dioKürttikbya Was Won of Sive without the intervontion of tionaries, in used in the sense of udaraw.bhari. fire.


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