सामान्यार्थ - [ सहजैः ] स्वाभाविक [इन्द्रियैः ] इन्द्रियों से [ अभिद्रुताः ] पीड़ित [मनुजासुरामरेन्द्राः ] मनुष्य, असुर (पातालवासी देव) और देवों के (स्वर्गवासी देवों के) इन्द्र अर्थात् स्वामी [ तत् दुःखं] उस इन्द्रियजनित दु:ख को [असहमानाः] सहन करने में असमर्थ होते हुए [ रम्येषु विषयेषु ] रमणीक इन्द्रियजनित सुखों में [ रमन्ते ] क्रीड़ा करते हैं।
Tormented by the illness caused by natural craving of the senses for gratification, and unable to bear the pain, the humans, asura (the lower deva) and Indra (lords of the kalpavāsī deva) take delight in pursuing sensual-pleasures.
Explanatory Note: Worldly beings do not have direct knowledge; they have indirect knowledge, which is sense-dependent. As delusion (moha) accompanies indirect knowledge, as heat accompanies the hot ironball, acute craving for sensual-pleasures accompanies indirect knowledge. As a sick man takes medicine to alleviate his suffering, similarly, the man tormented by illness caused by the craving of the senses indulges in sensual-pleasures to alleviate his suffering. It is thus clear that the man with indirect knowledge is full of misery; he has no access to the natural happiness appertaining to the soul.
जेसिं विसयेसु रदी तेसिं दुक्खं वियाण सब्भावं । जदि तंण हि सब्भावं वावारो णत्थि विसयत्थं ॥1-64॥
येषां विषयेषु रतिस्तेषां दुःखं विजानीहि स्वाभावम् । यदि तन्न हि स्वभावो व्यापारो नास्ति विषयार्थम् ॥1-64॥