their virtues, saluting them with folded hands, and bowing down.
Explanatory Note: The above mentioned laudable activities must be performed for the ascetics (muni, śramaņa) who possess virtues, like knowledge, that are superior than those possessed by you.
अब्भुट्टेया समणा सुत्तत्थविसारदा उवासेया। संजमतवणाणड्डा पणिवदणीया हि समणेहिं ॥-63॥
अभ्युत्थेयाः श्रमणाः सूत्रार्थविशारदा उपासेयाः । संयमतपोज्ञानाढ्याः प्रणिपतनीया हि श्रमणैः ॥3-63॥
सामान्यार्थ - [श्रमणैः ] उत्तम मुनियोंकर [ हि ] निश्चय से [ सूत्रार्थविशारदाः] परमागम के अर्थों में चतुर और [ संयमतपोज्ञानाढ्याः ] संयम, तपस्या, ज्ञान इत्यादि गुणोंकर पूर्ण ऐसे [श्रमणाः] महामुनि [अभ्युत्थेयाः] खड़े होकर सामने जाकर आदर करने योग्य हैं [ उपासेयाः] सेवने योग्य हैं और [ प्रणिपतनीया ] नमस्कार करने योग्य हैं।
Certainly, those worthy ascetics (muni, śramaņa) who are adept in interpretation of the Scripture and abound in virtues like restraint (samyama), austerities (tapa), and knowledge (jñāna), deserve reverence in form of greeting them on their arrival by standing up, attending on them, and bowing down.
Explanatory Note: The ascetics (muni, śramaņa) who are endowed with right faith (samyagdarśana), right knowledge (samyagjñāna), and right conduct (samyakcāritra) are worthy of