Since the soul (jīva), having innumerable space-points (pradeśa), is tinged with passions (kaşāya) in form of delusion (moha), attachment (rāga), and aversion (dvesa) in its worldly state, it is bound with the dust of the karmic matter (like the knowledge-obscuring (jñānāvaraṇīya) karma). This is called the bondage (bandha) in the Scripture.
Explanatory Note: The soul (jiva), having space-points (pradesa), due to passions (kasāya) in form of delusion (moha), attachment (rāga), and aversion (dvesa), becomes amenable to the bondage (bandha) of karmas. The dust of the karmic matter gets access to and binds with such a soul (jīva). Therefore, the transformation of the soul (jīva) into the state of delusion (moha), attachment (rāga), and aversion (dvesa) is the real (niscaya) bondage (bandha). The bondage of the karmic matter is the empirical (vyavahāra) bondage (bandha). The real-point-of-view (niscayanaya) deals with the transformation of the substance (dravya) itself. Theempirical-point-of-view (vyavahāranaya) deals with the transformation of the other-substance (paradravya).
एसो बंधसमासो जीवाणं णिच्छएण णिट्ठिो। अरहंतेहिं जदीणं ववहारो अण्णहा भणिदो 2-97॥ एष बन्धसमासो जीवानां निश्चयेन निर्दिष्टः ।
अर्हद्भिर्यतीनां व्यवहारोऽन्थया भणितः ॥2-97॥ सामान्यार्थ - [अर्हद्भिः] अर्हन्तदेव ने [ जीवानां] संसारी जीवों का [ एषः] पूर्वोक्त प्रकार से यह राग-परिणाम ही [निश्चयेन] निश्चय से बंध है, ऐसा [बन्धसमासः] बंध का संक्षेप कथन (सारांश) [ यतीनां] मुनीश्वरों को [निर्दिष्टः ] दिखलाया है। [अन्यथा ] इस निश्चय-बंध से जुदा जो जीवों के