(लीन) होता है [च ] और [ मूलगुणेषु ] (अट्ठाईस) मूलगुणों में [प्रयतः] सावधान होकर उद्यमी होता है [सः] वह [ परिपूर्णश्रामण्यः] अंतरंग-बाह्य संयम-भंग से रहित, अखंडित यतिपदवी अर्थात् परिपूर्ण मुनिपद का धारक होता है।
The ascetic (muni, śramaņa) who is ever established in own 'self', characterized by perception (darsana) and knowledge (jñāna), and vigilant in observance of the primary attributes (mūlaguņa), follows asceticism to perfection.
Explanatory Note: Getting established in own ‘selfis the real observance of the status of the ascetic (muni, śramaņa). When the ascetic is established in own ‘self", he is able to renounce attachment to all external objects. His cognition (upayoga) becomes stainless and as the cognition (upayoga) becomes stainless, the asceticism (munipada) too becomes stainless. Knowing this, the worthy ascetic establishes himself in own soul (ātmā), characterized by infinite perception (darśana) and infinite knowledge (jnana). Further, he follows, with due vigilance, the twenty-eight primary attributes (mūlaguņa) of asceticism. Asceticism reaches its perfection only when the ascetic (muni, śramaņa) gets established in own soul (ātmā), renouncing attachment towards all external objects.
भत्ते वा खवणे वा आवसधे वा पुणो विहारे वा। उवधिम्हि वा णिबद्धं णेच्छदि समणम्मि विकधम्हि ॥-15॥
भक्ते वा क्षपणे वा आवसथे वा पुनर्विहारे वा । उपधौ वा निबद्धं नेच्छति श्रमणे विकथायाम् ॥3-15॥
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