सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
षोडश अध्ययन (१९४
(४) उनकी इन्द्रियों पर दृष्टि जमाना ॥११॥ (५) स्त्रियों के कूजन, रुदन, हास्य, गीत, आदि शब्दों को सुनना। (६) भुक्त भोगों और सह-अवस्थान-साथ रहने का स्मरण करना। (७) प्रणीत-रसयुक्त पौष्टिक भोजन-पान करना। (८) अधिक मात्रा में आहार करना ॥१२॥ (९) शरीर को सजाने-विभूषित करने की इच्छा। (१०) दुर्जय काम-भोग।
आत्मार्थी पुरुष के लिये ये दस बातें तालपुट विष के समान हैं ॥१३॥ (1) Lodging frequented by women (2) Heart-pleasing women-recitals (3) More acquaintance or company of women (4) To gaze passionately the charming organs of women. (11)
(5) To listen women's voices (sounds-words) of screeching, screaming, laughing, singing, giggling and crying of women.
(6) To recall past memories of-enjoyed amusements, and eating, sitting, sleeping with women.
(7) To eat nourishing, delicious, ghee-oozing food and drinking water. (8) To take eatables (food) in excessive quantity. (12) (9) Desire of decorating and adorning body. (10) Unconquered pleasure and amusements.
These ten things are like most dangerous poison which kills a man as he takes it, i.e., it kills a man in such a short time as claping (ante ). So these are like a sharp dreadful poison for a self-seeking man. (13)
दुज्जए कामभोगे य, निच्चसो परिवज्जए ।
संकट्ठाणाणि सव्वाणि, वज्जेज्जा पणिहाणवं ॥१४॥ स्थिर चित्त वाला साधु दुर्जय काम-भोगों का सदा परित्याग करे और सभी प्रकार के शंका स्थानों से दूर रहे ॥१४॥
The sage having concentrated mind should renounce all the pleasures and amusements which are difficult to conquer, and should cast away all the doubts. (14)
धम्माराम चरे भिक्खू, धिइमं धम्मसारही ।
धम्मारामरए दन्ते, बम्भचेर - समाहिए ॥१५॥ ब्रह्मचर्य में सुसमाहित भिक्षु धैर्यवान, धर्मरथ का सारथी, धर्मरूपी उद्यान में रत, इन्द्रियों और कषायों पर विजय प्राप्त करके धर्मरूपी उद्यान में विचरण करे ॥१५॥
Well versed in celibacy a mendicant, should be steady, charioteer of religious-chariot, indulged in the garden of religion, conquering the senses and passions; and make all
activities in religious park. (15) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only
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