A study of thc Gujarati Language in the 14th century was undertaken by me in 1947 when I began my studies in Indo-Aryan at the University of London. A study of the language based on the narratives and illustrative stories from the text, together with a critical edition of the narrative materials and an etymological index of the text was submitted to the University of London in 1949 as partial fulfilment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Later on, I edited the complete text and prepared a complete etymological index; the section on grammar required additions and alterations in light of the complete text; instead of rewriting that section, I have tried to present an overall picture of phonological and grammatical changes in Gujarati, using mainly the data from the text, in a section on the historical phonology of Gujarati vowels. The etymological index will make up for the items which are missed in the grammar section. The continuity of the grammar section is not maintained, there are also some terminological discrepancies; for this, I crave indulgence of the learned readers. The press copy was submitted to the Singhi Series in 1956; various delays, including the change of the printing press-from Nirnayasagar of Bombay to Aryabhushan of Poona- held up the publication. The findings of the study, presented after a delay of about two decades, may, however, be of some use in reconstructing the history of Gujarati language.
After the press copy was ready, a number of manuscripts of Taruna prabha's sadāvaśyaka vstti were noticed in various Bhandāras; apparently this was quite a popular text. Further collations may bring out useful data for a study of dialects of old Gujarati, and provide a fruitful exercise in textual criticism.
Here I take the opportunity of expressing my deep gratitude to Professor Sir Ralph Turner and Dr. A. Master, for valuable suggestions and guidance in the preparation of this study. My father, Pandit Bechardas Doshi cleared many points in the interpretation of the Prakrit portion and Muni Punya vijayji explained many theological terms of the text; I am indebted to them for their help. Thanks are due to Muni Jina vijayji, general editor of the Singhi Jain Series and the authorities of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for including this study for publication in their esteemed series. I acknowledge my thanks to the authorities of the Bikaner, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Limbdi and Patan collections for lending me the mss.
University of Delhi
P. B. Pandit
Jain Education International
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