EU kunai "by some one" inst. sg. 330. der. ketalu "some, how much " adj. dir. sg s. v. kauņu.
| 559; ketalā obl. pl. 85, 578; Sk. kaiyattika-, 16 kuddäla "spade" sub. sg. 508. Sk. kuddä
Ap. kettula. la-m. 'mountain ebony,' kuddalaka- m. lex. Daar ketīvāra "frequently" adv. 6. keti + Pk. kuddala ext; MG. KOdali, kodālo. Bloch vära; Sk. kaiyattika-, Sk. väram; Pk. kettia + kuda!, Turner kodālo.
vāra-. s. v. ketalu. kusala "clever" adj. m. dir. pl. 386. Sk. l ag kevadu "how much, of what dimension" kusala-, Pk. kusala, Bloch kusal, Turner kusal. adj. dir. sg. 74; Ap. kevada-; cf. evadau. At kusā "small pea-like pieces” sub. m. dir. astfart kevalajñāniyā "those who possess and obl. pl. 386; der. not known.
kevalajñāna" sub. dir. pl. 372, also obl. 99. lwguit kuhani "elbow"sub. f. sg. 151, 279. MG.
Sk, kevala-jñāpin ext. in OG. by-u: kevalakoņi. Sk. kaphoni-m. Pk. kuhani f.
of "axe" sub. m. dir. sg. 540. cf. HET63 kuhādau
kesari proper noun. dir. sg. m. 525. Sk. kuthärah; Pk. kuhäda ext. Bloch kurhär. Oft ko "some, any, who" indef. pro. nom. sg. m.
f. 465, 488, 557, emphatic ko-i 488 (v. 1. ko et kuhi “became i otten, suppurated" past
i 483); koi (v. l. ko ) 558. MG. koi. Sk. kah, part. f. dir. sg. 521. Sk. kuthayati, kuthita-, Pk. ko; Sk. kah api Pk. kovi. Turner ko? Pk. kuhia-; Turner kuhunu.
att kota "fortress” sub. dir. sg. m. 577; Sk. PETEX kūtatārūļha placing a false measure
kotta-, Pk. kottaof weight" sub. obl. 459; Iw. Sk. küţatā + ārūdha-.
Te kota "fortress" sub, dir. sg. m. 577. v. . v.
kota. bet kūtī "having beaten" abs. 537. Sk. kutta- | yati, Pk. kuţtai. Bloch kuțně, Turner kutnu. I
afris kodi "a crore, ten millions" num. dir. sg.
74; kodākodi -ten million kodi' Sk. koti-, Pk. 53 kūdau "false, untruth" adj. dir. sg. 386; kodi. MG. karor. küdauṁ n. sg. 390, 456; kūdā pl. m. 489; kuda
astfery kodinya tores
proper noun m. dir. sg. (v. l. (note the short --u-) obl. sg. 450; kūdi f. 450;
kaudinya) 109, 113. Sk. káta-, kutaka- Pk. kūda- ext. Bloch kurā.
to kone "in the corner, at the angle" sub. loc.
sg. 36. Sk. koņaḥ, Pk. koņa. post kūdi "a type of vessel, sometimes made of
leather, sometime of clay” sub f. 185. Etymo #THA komāsahari "a type of grain, 'udid" logy not known; cf. however Sk. kūti, kūdr, sub.m. obl. pl. 85; Sk. kulmāsa-, Pk. kummāsa-. bunch of twigs'.
ft korī “dry" adj. f. 601 cf. MG. adj. korã n. afa kūti " type of plant from which bees dry; der, not known. make honey" the context is küti naum madhu
oft fent * kolika jälaka "web of a spider" 316; der. not known.
sub. dır. sg. 19. kolikā + jālaka. cf. Sk. kaulikafar kütire "by dogs" sub. inst. pl. 519. MG. a weaver. Pk. kolia- spider. The word is kutro. Der, not known. For some suggestions sanskritised in OG. jāla- lw. Sk. MG. word and other IA cognates see Bloch kuträ, Turner for spider is karolio; intrusive 'rmay be due kutil
to the following retroflex flapped lateral -!-.
(see P. B. Pandit Intrusive -r- in Indo-Aryan 41 kūyā “well" sub. m. obl. sg. 556, 557. Sk.
IL vol. 16.) kúpah, Pk. kūva-; ext. in OG. MG. kuvo. Turner kuwă.
aan at kausāmbi proper noun f. dir. sg. 426,
559, 573. ke "some, those" indef. pro. nom. pl. 433. 456, 527; (v. 1. kai) 455. Sk. kah, ke, Pk. ke. 49103 kanipā vatar “causing to shake, tremble" og kedai "at the back, after” adv. 434, 529;
pres. part. caus. dir. sg. m. 44; Sk, kampate Pk.
karpā vai Turner kāmnu. stereotyped loc.; der uncertain. cf. Sk. katak$a-, kati-, Pk, kad-, and then the OG. form
karvala "bud, shoot" sub. (part of a by epenthesis.
comp.) sg. 443; cf. Sk. kuļmala Pk. kumpala;
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