ETT203 hathiyau "elephant" sub. dir. sg. m. 344; as conditional hoijiu precative 3rd sg. 527, hāthiyā pl. 74; Sk. hastí m., Pk. hatthi, OG.
528; hoijium 1st sg. 516, 571; hoi abs. 430, hāthi- ext. with -u; Bloch hattī, Turner hāti.
474 ; hoivaum ger. n. dir. sg. 420, hoivā inf, of
purpose 577. huyai v. pres. 3rd. sg. 109, 473, ETTE hārai “is defeated, loses".v. pres. 3rd sg.
526; huyaim pl. 74; huum 1st sg. (in fut. 470; hārium past part. n. dir. sg. 471; hāri abs.
senso ) 473. huu imp. 3rd sg. 386; hūyau past 470, Original causal is employed as a primi
part. m. dir. sg. 74, 85, 386; also hūau, 38, huu tive base. Sk. hārayati, Pk. hārei, hārai.
365; huyaum n. sg. 74; hui f. sg. 94, 463; THS hāsaur « laughter" sub. dir. sg. n. 520. huyā 538, (v. l. hūā) 142 pl; huyām n. pl. 85; Sk. hasyam, Pk. hassa- n. OG. hāsa- ext. -um.
hümtau pres. part. m. dir. sg. 522, 540, also
hümtu 73, 425; hūmtā pl. 425, 473; as an u hiya « heart" sub. n. obl. sg. 111, 446, 578;
auxiliary after other past participle : mokaliya Sk, hřdayam Pk. hiaam, OG hiyaum Bloch
humta 538, also 401 ; also hūto meg. 402 and hiyyā, Turner hiyo.
hūtā m. pl. 425, 473; hūti f. sg. 425; humtai
loc. sg. 529; also humte 438; humtai inst. sg. for hiva “ now" adv. 571, for der. 8. v. hava.
539; hauta unenlarged pres. part. 426, huutai feet hivadam just now "adv. 427, 576; for enlarged pres. part. loc. sg 386 used in condider. s. v. hava.
tional sense. hui abs. 463, 474. Sk. bhavati, BTTTT hirālaga " (ornament) on which diamonds
*bhoti, Pk. hoi, hoai; Bloch honē, Turner are studded " sub. 519. Sk. hiraka- lk. hiraa,
hunu. OG. hirā; Sk. lagyati, Pk. laggai, OG. suffix ETG TAE hoda pātanu “making a noise, making a -laga, lagi. cf, motīlaga.
bet" sub. n. dir. sg. 12. De. hudda, hodda, MG. ima hõlitu "insulted, did not show respect "
hor. f.; OG. hoda + pātanu lw. Sk. past part. n. sg. 153. Pk. hilai insults', prob. EIGT hoła "parched grain " sub. m. obl. (in a connected with Sk. helā, or hīd-hil.- hīdati, compound : puhumkā holadika) 502; MG. Olo hilati. OG. hila- is suffixed with Sk. past part.
parching of green seeds of gram; prepared suffix -ita, which in turn is suffixed by OG. -1. and consumed on the field as a part of festival.' Bloch helanē.
der, not known. CUET6 huyanahāru " that which is destined, that hamsa proper noun m. dir. sg. 451. which is going to be " sub. n. dir. sg. 179. OG.
siet handi "earthen cooking pot "sub. f. sg. 175 (huyai) huyana +hāra.
late Sk, handikā f. Turner hări. 3 hethai "below" adv. adj. sg. loc.(v. l. hethi) 38;
| giset hamduli "small earthen pot (for cooking)" hethi f. 420; hethau m. dir. sg. 589; goes with
sub, f. sg. 178; for der. s. v. hāmdi, MG. hadi, genitive or compounded with stem. Sk. adhástāt
hädli. contam. upáristāt would give *adhistāt; Buddhist Sk hestā, hestāto, Pk. hetthā, hettha-.
ft him emphatic particle. 38, 74, 108, 446, 454.
see Intro. ET ho particle for address, vocative particle 580.
Sk, hó. Pk, ho... ig retained as a special tot hingalo “ Ferula Asa Foetida " sub. dir. treatment in OG.
sg. m. 20. Sk, hinguh m. Pk. himgula- m. n. CTE hoi "is, becomes " v. pres. 3rd sg. 74, 425,
OG. ext. hīmgulau. MG. hig!o. Bloch hig, (also used in fut. sense ) 466; hoisii fut. 3rd
hīmgūļa, Turner hin. g. 434. 550 : hoisiim pl. 538 ; hoisi 2nd gg. ex hindai "walks" v. pres. 3rd sg. 525 : 427; hoigu 1st sg. 470, 473; hoigum 1st pl.
himdatau pres. part. m. dir. sg. 544. Sk. dhātup. 110; hoyatai pros. part. loc. sg. 50, 539 ;-used hindate, Pk. himdai, MG. hiềvū. Turner hirnu
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