Book Title: Shadavashyaka Banav Bodh Vrutti
Author(s): Prabodh Bechardas Pandit
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ 60 WORD-INDEX Haag samtāvai "troubles, harasses " v. caus, pres. 3rd sg. 526. Sk. samtāpayati Pk, samtāvei. MG. satāvvī; note the loss of nasal in most of NIA languages. Turner satāunu. HYTT3 samtharan "a bed of a monk), place where the monks live" sub. m. dir. sg. 541; samthārai loc, sg. 323; samthārā obl. 338; MG. sāthro bed on which a person is placed before death'; Sk, samstara-, lk, samthār, OG. ext. åfarmer samdisvaun I get permission " v. caus, pres. lst sg. 342; Sk. samdisati, Pk. samdisai, caus, samdisävei he sande sau "message" sub, dir, sg. m. 192. Sk, samdesa- Pk, samdesa-ext. in OG wur sandhuzana "act of lighting (fire)" sub. n. 440; note OG. -$- for -kh-. Sk. samdhuksa na- Pk samdhukkhanawaalf samnivesi " in the residence" sub, m. loc. sg. 112. Sk. samnivesa-Pk. samnivesa nive5a-. H sampajai "succeeds, prospers, accrues" v. pres, 3rd sg. 588. Sk. sampadyate Pk sampajini Hofers sambandhiu "relative" sub. m. dir. sg. 16,519; sambamdhium n. sg. 115; sambamdhiyām n. pl. 135. Sk. sambandhin Pk, sambamdhi ext. in OG afers sambandhivau "should be related" ger. (denominative ) dir. sg. m. 513. OG, sambamdha- (v.8. v. sambamdhiu ) as a verbal stem a sambhava proper noun m. dir. sg. 110. sambhavain" likely to happen, develop; to produce" v. pres. 3rd pl. 433; sambhāviu caus. past part, m. dir. eg. 461; sambhāvītau pass. pres, part. m. dir, sg. 110; sambhāvi abs, 554. Sk, sambhavati, Pk, sambhavai, lw. Pk 175 sambhāru " goods, stuff" sub. m. dir. sg. 463. Sk, sambharah Pa. sambhāro m collection'. v. 8. v. sambharai. i sambhusi “having adornod, provided " abs. 545. lw. Sk, sambhūsati, sambhūş - + OG. abs. suffix a ft samvacchariya "annual" sub. adj. 385; Sk. samvatsara-, sāmvatsarika, Pk. samvaccha riya-lw. Pk. i r samstavaum "I praise" v. pres. Ist eg. 614; samstavatau pres. part. m. dir. sg. 110. lw. Sk. samstavate, samstav + OG. verbal suffixes, FEf samhari "having destroyed, withdrawn" abs. 463. Sk. gamharati Pk, samharai, lw. samhar-+ OG, abs, suffix, His samim "meet cordially, embrace" sub, inst. sg. 446, also sāle inst. 578; ety, not clear. cf. Sk, sajātih belonging to the same family', see Turner säinu. Fieras sümcarataun“ moving, going " pres. part. m. 376. Sk, sañcarati, Pk, samcarai. RIG sandhi "female camel" sub, f. dir, sg, 311, 558; Sk. sandhika, Pk, sandhi, OG, samdhi. MG. sadh m uncastrated bull' should be separated from sădh, sadhni f female camel. The former is related to Sk, sándah uncastrated'; the source of latter is not clear Sk, sandhikā is a sanskritization of Pk, sandhi (hence short -i in OG. and -zero in MG.). Bloch sår, Turner sår Hirus sindhii “having connected, aimed " past part, loo, sg. 453. Sk. samdadhati l'k, samdhai OG. sümdhai, samdhiu, Bloch sådh, Turner skidhnu. i s sampadiu "attained" past part. m. dir. sg. 461. Sk. *sampaţita- cf. Sk, sampatati. V. 8. v. padai. Bloch såparnē. HTF sambharai "remembers" v. pres. 3rd sg. 326, 345; sāmbharaim 3rd pl. 604; sāmbharūm 1st sg. 345; sambharatá pres. part. obl. 345. sambharī past part. f. 604. Sk. sambharati collects ', sambhārayati, I'k, sambhārei 'garnishes'; MG sambhārvũ' to remember' and sambhár 'masala used in cooking preparations'. Turner samālnu, sambhārnu. FIKOS sambhalai "hears, listens " v. pres, 3rd sg. 429, 529; sambhalau imp. 2nd pl. 329; sambhalata pres. part. (unenlarged 86 ); sămbhalatau pres. part. m. dir. sg. 426, sambhalatā obl. pl. 426; sambhaliu past part, m. dir. sg. 367, 519; sambhalium n. sg. 109; sambhaliyai 157, 420, sambhaliyaim pass. pl. 371; sambhalītu pass. pres. part. m. sg. 326; sambhalivă inf. of purpose 426; sámbhali abs. 85, 109, 498. cf. MG. bhāļvũ to observe, see!, nihālvũ to gee ', sabhalvũ to hear', sambhālvũ 'to guard, take care of'. Sk. bhālayate, nibhālayati and sambhālayati. For -r- forms in MG. sambhārvũ, sambhār, see under sambharai. Turner samālnu, niyalnu, sambhārnu. for simhadattu proper noun m. dir. sg. 525. fag simhu proper noun m. dir. sg. 487. Hi simcai "sprinkles " v. pres. 3rd sg. 521; simcatau pres. part. m. dir. sg. 549. Sk. siñoáti, Pk. siscai. Bloch sicnē, Turner sienu. free sim lhavu “rock-salt " sub. dir. eg. n. 20. Sk. saindhava-Pk. simdhava Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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