Turg tanaur belonging to" postpos. n. dir. eg. faror tini "by him " pers. pro. all genders. inst.
74; tanām n. pl. 514, 027; tatä m. pl. 74, sg. 74, 386, 553 ; also loo. sg. 109. Sk. tena, 521; tanai inst. sg. 38, also tanaim 503; tani Pk. tiņa, OG. tiņa. f. 74, 521. Various suggestions to derive it
fatima " in that way" adv. 73, 74, 554, 559. from Sk. tanaya-, Sk. ātman- Pk. attano, or
Ap. temva, see l'ischel S. 201 ; v. 8. v. ima. from a pronominal form tád, are not satis
fara tirichaun "slanting" adj. dir. eg. n. 186. factory.
Sk. tiraśc- lk. tiriccha- ext. in OG. MG. aor tani " blade of grass" sub. f. dir. sg. 434.
tirchữ. Bloch tirsā, tirkā. Turner terso. Sk. trnam n., Pk. tana- n. ext. as f. stem
faiz tila seasamum indicum " sub. m. 311, 314; in OG
MG. tal. Sk. tila- m., I'k. tila- m. Bloch til, at tapata “practising penance" pres. part. m. 1
Turner til. obl. sg. 559. lw. Sk. tapati.
ayarê tilavati “a preparation of seasamum atat taratā “swimming " pres. part. m. obl. sg.
soeds" sub. f. eg. 315. Sk. I'k. tila-kuțți f. 38; tarivā inf. of purpose 38; tāriu caus. past
MG. talvaț m. part. m. dir. sg. 85. Sk. tarati, Pk. tarai.
far tisau Bloch tarnē, Turner tarnu.
like that, as that" pro. adj. dir. sg.
109, 470, 556; tisā obl. sg. 74; Lisai inst. sg. aft tari" the creamy top-layer of milk or curds."
143, 470; tisī f. dir. sg. 143; also pl. 462, 480. sub. dir. sg. f. 313. Sk. tari, tari, f. 'a boat'
Sk. tādesam Pk. tārisa- Asokan Inscr. tādisaPk. tari f. boat', tariyā (Deś. ) cream, milk
I'k, taisa-ext. in OG. tisau; note the short -icream 'MG. tar.
in the initial syllable; cf. Hindi tayeā. Bloch afat tarjatau « cheating " pres. part. m. dir. eg.
taisā, Turner uso. 514. Iw. Sk. tarjati, tarja- + OG. sufixes-tau.
fazi tiham “there" ady. 73, 425, 483; also at talaru “ constable" sub. m. dir. sg. 526; 1
timhām 85, 559; cf. MG. tya. I'ronominal talari inst. sg. 548. Sk. talavara-m. body
stem ta-, for der. v. s. v. kahäm, kiham, guard'; Pk. talára, m. constable'
Turner tyahá. G talium " fried " past part. dir. sg. n. 315; ale tida locust" sub. dir. sg. m. 21; also tidu talivaum ger. (inf.) 311. Sk. talita-fried';
150. MG. tīr n. Der. not known. Deś. tidda Pk. talai to fry (in oil), to roast'. l'oss. m. f. locust. connected with Sk. tíla-sesamum indicum,
June aig tiyain 264. v. s. v. timham. whose oil is always used for frying. MG. talvũto fry'. Bloch talne.
THE tumha "you" pers. pro. 2nd pers. obl. pl. 142,
481, 488; tumhe inst. pl. 426, 481 (used in the are fadi “having beaten, hit" abs. 514. Sk.
nom.) 488, 538; tumhārau your' gen. m. also tādayati lk. tādai, abs. tādia. For change in
tamhārau 426, also tumhāru 428; tumhārum meaning in other IA languages see Turner.
n. 531 ; tumhārai inst. pl. 142, 559 also loc. sg. Bloch tādnē, Turner tárnu.
480. tumhārī f. 426. cf. lk. tumhehi. For -rau arus taranaun “ crossing-delivering" adj. n. dir.
see tūharau. eg. 85. Sk. tārana-, Pk. tārana-ext. in OG.
aus tūthau "satisfied " past part. m. dir. sg. 446, ariais tārāpīdu proper noun m. dir. eg. 534.
514; tūțhi f. 528; tūthai loc. sg. 365. Sk. arat tavi "frying pan, roasting plate" sub. f. sg. tusyati, tusta-, Pk. tuttha-- ext. in OG. Also
315. cf. Sk. tāpaka-, *tapikā Pk. tāvia, MG. see under tūsaim. tāvi.
aft tūri may be name of some plant (describod algte faharau "your" pers. pro. 2nd pers. m. sg.
as something which grows on earth- as a gen. 488, 562; taharā obl. pl. 457, 488, 516, pudhavi kāu- Sk. Pithivī kāya-) 20. Meaning 561; tāharai inst. sg. 457, 464 ; tāhari f. 555;
and derivation not known. Sk. tava, Pk. taa, the second half may be a Thi tusaim “is satisfied " v. pres. 3rd sg. 471; reflex of kāra (then -h- cannot be explained ) or | * tūsī abs. 365; Sk. tusyati, I'k. tussai, cf. Sk. harau may be some alternant of the postposi- tūthau. tion rohaim. Turner tero.
te “he, she, it" dom, pro. nom. sg. 142, 456, fa ti that" pron. 3rd pers. demon. all genders. 461, 484, 541; also pl. 365; also ti 110, 386; 99. Sk. te. Pa. te. v. s. v. te.
te used with emphatic u 74, 365; teha obl. sg. aftetut tiksana «sharp" adj. dir. sg. 402 lw. Sk. pl. 74, 86, 459, 483; also tihi 549; tehe inst. tīksná.
pl. 112, 386, 471, 516. Sk, tát n. eg., té m. pl.
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