Book Title: Shadavashyaka Banav Bodh Vrutti
Author(s): Prabodh Bechardas Pandit
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ SADĀVAŚYAKA-BĀLĀVABODHA-VRTTI 29 fant trisatthu “ sixtythree" num. (in. comp.) participial forms it is used in another meaning 37. cf. Sk. trişastih f. Pk. tesatthim. MG. "remaining, staying ": thākataum pres. part. trEsath. dir. sg. n. 296; thākatām obl. pl. 333, thükatai H3 trījau " third " ordinal dir. sg. m. 154, loc. ag. 325; thākau past part. m. dir. sg. 426, trijauń n. 161; triji f. obl. sg. 109; trijai inst. 529. Turner suggests possible extension in -akka- of the Sk. sthā (stand' (v. 8. v. thai). sg. m. 118, 425 also loc. sg. 355. Sk. třtīyah; Block thakņē, Turner thāknu. Pk. tiijja ext. in OG. (with tr-group influenced by tríņi - tran) trīja-1. Bloch tīj, Turner tesro. ta thana "place" sub. dir. sg. n. 22; thāni loo. sg. 22. Sk. sthānam lk. thāna; retention of ith trisu “thirty” num. 36. Sk, trimsat, Pk. -n- suggests a loan formation. On the other tisam; OG. and MG. have retained tr- Bloch hand, various NIA languages have this form tis, Turner tis1. with -n-, which leads Turner to suggest a that trisomā “ thirtieth" ordinal obl. 222. OG. connection with Sk. stháman, *sthāmna->MI dir. trisamau; ord. suffix -ma, ext. v. 8. v. trīsa. *thanna-, or stháman- with a dialectal -nn-. Efter tretrisa “thirty three " num. 135. tretrīsā v. 8. v. thānakum. Bloch thān, Turner than1. obl. pl. 9. cf. Sk. tráyastrimsat f. ; Pk. tettīsam a thanakum "place, residence, shrine" sub. Note the preservation of tr- and -tr, the dir. sg. n. 437; thanakaham obl. pl. 26; thanaki latter on the analogy of trisa. Turner tettis. loc. sg. 85; thanake loc. pl. 542. cf. Sk. 903 trepanaum“ raft, some sort of help in sthāneka-. For the retention of -n- v. s. v. swimming " meaning is not clear. sub. n. dir. thāna ; possibly, this retention may be due to a sg. 38. cf. MG. trāpo, tarāpo. Noted in l'eri specialised meaning - religious parlance - plus of the Erythrean sea' Gk trappaga. shrine';: in MG., thānak n. means shrine of a Bloch tápo. deity'; contrast with this MG. thānī police station. This supports the loan formation Bahar trerisama “twentythird" ordinal obl. 222. rather than postulating-in-in MI. trevisa + mā; ordinal suffix -ma ext. obl. cf. Sk. trayovimśat; Pk. tevīsam. Turner teis. grag thāpaim “establishes, places" v. pres. 3rd pl. 7; thāpi abs. 574; thāpivau gerund dir. sg. # trevise by twenty three" num. inst. pl. m. 558; thăpiyai pass. sg. 237, 401. Sk. 613. cf. Sk, tráyovimšat; Pk. tevisam. sthāpyate Pk. thappia- placed. Bloch thapan, Nicu trodiyaim being broken " pass. 3rd pl. Turner thapnu. 485. Sk. truțati, caus, trotayati. Bloch tornô, 917 thala "plate" sub. 478. Sk. sthāli f., sthālam Turner tornu. n. lk. thali f. thālam n. MG. thal m. la big Tê trūti “broken " past part. f. dir. eg. 489. plate'; thali f. a smaller plate'. Bloch thālā, MG. țut-vữ, tut-vū. Sk. trutyati: P'k, tuttai ; | Turner thal. tr-is retained. Bloch tutņē. AT&T thahara " place, residence" sub. obl. eg. 251 sias trambaur “copper" sub. n. dir, sg. 25; (thūhara hümtau). Sk. sthāvarā- «standing trāmbā obl. sg. 463. Sk. tämrám. cf. Sindhi still ". -- cannot be explained, but De. thāhatrāmo m., Lahanda trāmi f.; possibly *trāmra- place' should be noted. Bloch thár. Bloch tăbē, Turner tāmo. QENIT thāharii "your" pro. loc. sg. 470; for 599 tryakyu proper noun m. dir. sg. (v. 1. trakṣu) derivation s. v. tāharau. 457. TIETO thaharīvi stopped " caus. past part. f.. dir. eg. 482 cf. Sk. sthāvara- 8. v. thāhara ; also compare Dhātup. sthalati to stand firm'. a thavisu “I will praise" v. fut. 1st sg. 372. feat thika “ being, remaining" past part. (auxiSk. stávate Pk. thavai. liary) pl. m. 94, 550, 556; thiki f. 474, 516; Is that becomes " v. pres. 3rd sg. 112, 488, thikām gen. obl. 10, 341. For derivation e. V. also thaim 386 ; thaisiim fut. 3rd pl, 489 ; thầu thākai; -i- is due to analogical influence of imp. 3rd sg. also 2nd pl. 489; thā imp. 2nd sg. sthita- and absence of compensatory lengthen326, 470; thiu past part. m. dir. sg. 546, 557; ing due to its frequency as an auxiliary (cf. (v. I. thio ) 516; thâï abs. 326, 488. Sk. *sthāti, Dave p. 58). Pk. thāi. o thira "steady, firm" adj. dir. sg. 38; thiri 14 thākai “ wears out, tires" v. pres. 3rd sg. karanu n. act of stabilizing' 381. Sk. sthira380; thākau past part. m. dir. sg. 94. In some ! Pk. thira- Bloch thir, Turner thiro. be explaināvarām stand 5.1 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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