Pk. te; teha may be explained from ethsya; for a detailed discussion of the probable line of developinent of allied pronominal forms see Dave pp. 32-33. 5 tedai “calls, invites" v. pres. 3rd sg. 536; tedaim pl. 579; tediyā past part. dir. pl. 465; tedi abs. 428; tedāviu caus. past part. dir. sg. 386. MG. tervũ to invite, to carry (a child)
on the waist'. Der. not known. ao tetalaur that much" adv. n. dir. sg. 483;
tetalaiṁ loc. sg. 38, 549; tetala obl. 405. Pronominal stem ta- for der. 8. v. etalau. Ap.
tettula- ext. Bloch titkā, titlā, Turner tyati. acar tetivāra “ in the meantime" adv. 38, 556;
teti is also followed by him emphatic 86. teti + vāra; cf. tettula- etc., 8. v. etalau, tetalaum; Pk. tertia, formed analogically based upon
kettia- *kayattiya, see Pischel S. 163. atat teramā “thirteenth" ordinal obl. 222. also
terahamai loc. sg. 355 ; for der. 8. v. teraha. a teraha «thirteen "num. dir. sg. 74. cf. Sk.
trayodasa; Pk. teraha; MI -- in the initial syllable cannot be explained. Bloch terä, Turner
tera. a tela "oil" sub. n. 311; also obl. tela nau 315.
cf. Sk, tailám n.; Ik. tilla, tella-; Pk. -11cannot be explained; may be lw. fr. Sk. Bloch
tel, Turner tel.: aagt levada “ of that size" adj. obl. pl. 405; cf. MG. evro: jevro: tevro: kevro; used rarely in the present text. The pronominal stems are clear but the derivation is not clear. For some
suggestions see Pischel S. 149. cf. lk. evaddaar to “even, therefore " particle with some
emphatic and contrastive force. 94, 132, 463, 560; also tau 9. v.; Sk. tatah Pk. tao OG. tau MG. to. a tolai "weighs" v. pres. 3rd. sg. 246. Sk.
tolayati Pk. tolei, tolai, MG. tolvũ. Bloch tu!,
tol, Turner tulinu, taulanu. dat tambolu "the betel leaf" sub. dir. sg. n.
291; Sk. tāmbūlam n. Pk. tambola-n. Austric
origin has been suggested. Turner tamol. aanut tamboliya “(insects) belonging to the
betel-leaf" sub. m. dir. pl. 21; Sk. tāmbulin Pk. tamboli. ext. in OG. tamboli-u; inflected for pl. Also cf. MG. tamboļi m. one who sells betel-leaves', Sk, tāmbulika-, Pk. tambolia,
V. s. v. tambolu. ai tam till, upto that time" adv. 94, 112, 545.
Sk. tavat, Pk. tava (cf. Ap. tāna), for v>v cf. Pischel 261 : MI graphic -mva- may have a
- ~ - value. Tessittori S. 98.1. suggests tasmāt, Pk. tamhá ; which is not necessary.
v. s. v. ja. after timham those " pers. pro. 3rd pers. gen. pl.
(v. 1. tiham, tinha) 74, 94 ; Sk. tesām, Pk.
tesim. Cac tumbadau "a dried gourd "sub. dir.sg. n.
223. MG. tūbrū. Sk. tumba- lk. tumba-n., ext. in OG.; Austric origin is suggested. Bloch tūbrī, Turner tumbo. af trnavāri “broomstick" (lit. one which obstructs grass or dust i. e.. something which cleans, broom-stick), sub. f. dir. sg. 518. lw. Sk. trna-+ värin. MG, word for broomstick is sävarni, derived from Sk. samvārana-warding
off, keeping back, samvāranikā f. If tȚsa "thirst" sub. f. dir. sg. 426, 463; Sk.
trşā f. ; retention of -r- in script may suggest a retention of -tra-, and -tar- in that case
this may not be considered as a lw. af trsire " thirsty" past part. dir. sg. m. 544,
556. Sk. trșita-; for der. s. v. trsaTHËNI tra sūdiya “ caused trouble" past part.
caus. pl. 22 Sk. trasati: caus. trāsayati; l'roto Guj. *träsai: caus. *trasādai past part. trasādiu. Note the preservation of tr-; cf. S. trahaņu P. tarāhņā. Bloch tarasa-, Turner tarsanu. 13 trāthau "terrorised, afraid" past part. m. dir. sg. 453. Sk. trásati, trastah; cf. lk. tattho; Sk. trāsayati caus. note the retention of tr-in OG. v. s. v. trasādiya. 5 triū “group of three " sub. m. dir. sg. 10; Sk. trika-, cf. Pk. tia; Proto Gujarati *triu is
ext. with OG. -u: triū. ar trinhi “three" num. dir. sg. 73, 74; also
trinni 74; trium (v. 1. tri hum) obl. 109; trinha i:i is emphatic 109 (based on a Prakritic form tiņha- Pischel S. 438); Sk. tríņi n. pl. MG. tran; Pk. tinni, tinha- have influenced the OG. scribes, though they have retained the
tr- cluster. Bloch tin, Turner tin. Breng trinhisaim three hundred " num. 613.
V. s. v. trinhi +saim cf. MG. transĚ, transo. Ferug tripaun «tin" sub. n. dir. sg. 25. lw. Sk.
trápu n.; note the -i- in the initial syllable;
also note the extended form to indicate gender. faya enggi tribhuvanāti sayiyan “excelling
three worlds" sub, dir. pl. n, 7. lw. Sk. tribhuvana + atiśayain- OG. tribhuvanātisāyi -ext. -u. sg.
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