Book Title: Shadavashyaka Banav Bodh Vrutti
Author(s): Prabodh Bechardas Pandit
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ 26 WORD-INDEX foi țitam meaning and derivation not known. frys dhilau "viscous" adj. m. 311 Pk. 112. dhilla- Bloch dhilā, Turner dhilo. erg tipa " that which is pounded, beaten" sub. #ci dhukaduum “near, adjoining " adj. dir. sg. m. sg. 601 ; cf. MG. tīpvũ to beat, to n. 427; ahūkadām loc. (used adverbially) 10. pound; der. doubtful; cf. Sk. tip, tepayati, cf. Sk. dhaukate approaches "; Pk. dhukkai, *tipyate to heap together'. Probably tipū 'drop', dhukka-ext. in OG.-daum. Turner dhuknu. and tapakvũ' to fall drop by drop' may be a dhuki go near" v. imp. 2nd sg. 545. Ik. connected. Bloch đīp, Turner tapkanu. dhukkai v. s. v. dhūkadaum. o dhoilt a small lotā" sub. f. 209. cf. MG. ut thari “having placed" abs. 142; Sk. sthā-, toyli. Der. not known. | Bhati, silapayati, k. thai, thavai, abs. lavium. C or dhokata "an eatable, a preparation of OG. thavi. Bloch thenē, Turner thaknu, thāpnu fermented flour " sub. n. obl. 433. Der. not 163 thalanı - empty" adj. dir. eg. m. 397; known. MG. dhokļū. thālaum n. 112; cf. MG. (dialects of Saurashtra) thālū adj. empty, worthless'. Deś. thalla. affurg dhaikanaum " cover, lid " sub. dir. sg. n. poor, without any possessions. 211. I'k. dhakkai covers '; Des. dhamkini f. lid, cover'; *hamkana-cover. v.s.v.dhamkium. Jigs thahar “dirt (of oil) which has settled at the bottom" sub. dir. sg. m. 315. cf. Sk. ates dhankiur “ closed, covered" past part. dir. stāgha shallow' (cf. Sk. astāghadeep', lk. i sg. n. 309; dhāmkatām pres. part. gen. obl. pl. atthāha-). 552; dhūmki abs. 463. Pk. dhakkai, Des. dhamkini f. cover, lid.' Bloch dhăkņē, jhåknē, Turner dhāknu. Ir dasin "smitten, stung" past part. m. dir gif dhamka "type of cranes" sub. 21; cf. MG. sg. 522, 589; dasi abs. 522. Sk. daśati, Ik dhékbaglo; Pk. ìimka, dhemka . a type of bird'. damsai. MG. dasvũ;. v. 8. v. damka. Bloch dasnē, Turner dasnu. TOTTT dhundhanrı vadai “by bartering " sub. n. 183. der, not known. Eraser dokari “old woman" sub. f. dir. sg. 589; also cf. MG. dok f. neck', dokūn. head', and Nepali doko basket (carried on the back)' a ta "then, otherwise" a particle with some Derivation is not known; for other IA cognates see Bloch and Turner. Bloch doi, doki, Turner contrastive meaning. conj. 532. Sk. tadá, lk. doko. tayā, taya. Turner tal. ar dola name of a mountain sub.m. sg. 311. | a3 tau “then, therefore" conj. postpos. Sk. táțah, Pk. tao. MG to. g danka “sting, bite" (sarppa- snake bite') sub. m. dir. sg. 532, also damku 557. MG. aš taur “you " pers. pro. 2nd pers. sg. (v. 1. tā, damkh. Relation with Pk. damsai is not clear. tūm) 74, 427, 465, 474, 538; also tuum 474; But compare similar words in Panjabi, Lahandi tū obl. sg. 457, 474, 539; taim inst. sg. 74, and Sindhi : dangna, dang, damganua 522, 526. cf. Sk. tvám, which had an alternant probable source may be damsa-kşata-wound dialectally, a dissyllabic form Ved. Sk. tuvám, by biting Bloch damkh, Turner dasnu. I'k. tumam, tuum; contam. first person haum, ist dansa" nosquitoes." sub.m. dir. pl. 401 ; -- OG tauṁ. Bloch ta, Turner tã. may be Sanskritic influence or dialectal. MG. hoai tadaphadatām "conyulsing (with pain), das. Sk. damsah m., Pk. damsa-m. y. s. y. trembling and shaking violently in agony" dasiu. Turner dås. pres. part. gen. obl. pl. 25; Pk. tadapphadai, tadapphadamta-; cf. Sk. tratat crackling, tratatrata-; and *phat (see Turner: phaşkanu) tra dhaliu "fell, toppled" past part. m. dir. Ik. *phad-; cf. MG. words, pharko shock,' sg. 589; dhalatām pres. part. gen. obl. pl. 376; ahalivi obl. of inf. 483; cf. MG. dhaļvü, fall pharpharvũ or phapharvũ throbbing of the heart )' MG. tarpharvũ to be convulsing in dhāļvũ caus; dhāļ f. slope'. Pk. dhalai, dhālai pain; tarphar quarrel'; tarphar (-bolvű) to caus. Turner dhalnu, dhālnu. speak sharply and plainly-rudely-'. cf. also fr dhikadi sub. f. 12. meaning and der. not MG. tartaryū or tatarvũ "cracking, making the known, noise of cracking! Bloch tarphar. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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