Book Title: Shadavashyaka Banav Bodh Vrutti
Author(s): Prabodh Bechardas Pandit
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ WORD-INDEX junu. V. 9. v. jau. the base jäņa- v. 8. v. jāņai; for hāra v. s. v. after jibha "tongue" sub. f. dir. sg. 521; cf. Sk. karana-häru. jihvá; Pk. jibbhā. Bloch jibh, Turner jibro. ETUER jāyaṇahāra “one who goes” sub. dir. Stuur jamanau "right" adj. dir. sg. m. 302. pl. 403 jāyaṇa+hāra; agentive noun from the 1 Sk. jemati eats'; jemanaka-; Pk. jimana eating'; • base jā, jāya; v. s. v. jāi. OG. ext. -0,'hand by which one eats'. Initial urot jälan "holes" sub. obl. pl. n. 264; Sk. jāla -- cannot be explained; MG. jamņo, 'right', ká- n., Pk. jālaya-; MG. jāļū n. jamvă 'to eat', suggest that the -i- should be short. v. 8. v. jimisu. for jo "only" particle of emphasis 73; Pk. ji; Hc. ii. 217, iv. 419-20; Pischel 8336 suggests eva, offer jimisu "I will eat" v. fat. 1st. sg. 85; jimatau pres. part. dir. sg. m. 213; jimatām obl. with a y-glide in the initial syllable (as in Pali yeva), later developing as jeva, ji. gen, pl. 296; jimi abs. 433; jimāļi caus. abs. 548; for jia “these” rel. pro. noun. pl. 113, 526, 527; initial long I in jima- cannot be explained, v. s. v. jimapaủ. MG. jamvũ. Turner notes Austric Sk. ye, Pk. je; V. 8. v. je. (Munda) affinities. Sk. jemati, Pk. jimai. Prorale jinadāsu proper noun m. dir. sg. 435. Bloch jevnē, Turner jiunār. farfur jini "by whom "rel. pro. inst. sg. 74, 94; 1 aftrafe jīvisi "will live" v. fut. 2nd sg. 474; Sk. yena, Pk. jspa with the OG inst. inflection. jivatau pres. part. m. dir. sg. 529; jiviti (v. l. Note the short-i- in the initial syllable. MG. jivati) f. sg. 573; jiviu past part. m. dir. sg. jEņE. 433, 589; jivi f. sg. 555; jīvata-i pres. part. forforat jinivä "to win” obl. of inf. 246, 484; (unenlarged ) 539; jivādai caus. pres. 3rd sg. abs. 515. Sk. ji-; Pk, jiņai. 463, 522; also in fut, sense 465; jiväờiu caus. past part. m. dir, sg. 465, 522. Sk, jfvati; Pk. feras jinauni “whose" rel. pro. dir. sg. n. 403; jivai. Turner jiunu. an early alternation of jeha + naum. v. 8. v. je? MG. jEnā. y juł "if" conj. 561; also juu (v. 1. jau) 578; forarete jinadāsu proper noun m. dir. sg. 553. ju? particle of emphasis 442, 444, 544. v. s, focietat jinasambandhiyām "related to v. ji. . Jinas" lw. Sk. jina-sambandhin Pk. sambam dhi; extended in OG. with-: jinasambathdbiu. vju "who" rel. pro. nom. sg. 85, 109, 365, 465, 539. Sk. yaḥ, Pk. jo, Ap. ju. fera jima "as, like " adv. 73, 553, 559; Pischels O juktu "joined, endowed with " past part. 261 suggests building of similar forms on the analogy of evam; kia, jiva (Ap. jemva), in m. dir. sg. 144; Sk. yukta- lw. in OG. the sense of Sk. katham, yathă. Fra jugata "proper" adj. m. dir. sg. 68; also jugutü 3, 70; Sk. yukta- lw. in OG. v. 9. v. fara jisar "of what type, like" adj. 109, 553; juktū, -ga-suggests a late MIA loan. jisām n. pl. 74; jisai inst. sg. 143; jisi f. sg. 143, 480, 547. Sk. yadşsikam; v. 8. v. isau. farait juggavio "one who practices gymnas tics, acrobatics" sub. m. dir. sg. 250. Sk. yogya fost jiharia "where” adv. 483, 538. Turner bodily exercise, gymnastics; Pk. #juggavio; (s. v. jaha, kaba) suggests three probable sour- lw. Pk. ces for the suffix --h&: suffix of Sk, ihá, kuhá; that of Sk. kathám, táthā, or the ending of loc. yus juyauń "separate” adj. adv. dir. sg. Sk. in -asmin, Pk., him. yutah Pk. jua - ext. in OG. . Ara jitau "won, 'conquered" past part. m. dir. mit juyári "gambler" sub, m. dir, sg. 470; sg. 74, 464; jitā obl. pl. 451; Sk. jáyati, past Sk. dyūtakārah. #dyutakārin, Pk. juāri- ext, 1. Turner juwāri. part. jitá-; Pk. jia, jitta, latter being formed on the analogy of other -tta- past participles. | 66 jūka "louse" sub. f. dir. sg. 401. Sk. yüká afrost jöpain "conquer "pass, 3rd sg. (pl.-i may f. lw. in OG, V. 9. v. jủ. . be an error for -i) 251; Pk. jippai; cf. Sk. para- jū "louse" sub. f. dir. sg. 21, 338; Sk. yūka digm of the stem ji, and formations such as f. Pk. jūā f. Bloch u, Turner jumro. jítvan, jítvara-, which may be the sources of jūvanu "youth" adj. n. dir. sg. 94; Sk, P£. jippa-. . yauvanam, Pk. jovvana- n. lw. in OG. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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