Alge manusu "man" sub, dir, sg. m. 548, (.1. a scribal error ) 282; milivā oblof inf. 578 māņasu ) 556, also māņusa 21. Sk. mánuşah,
mili abs. 483. Sk, milati, Pk. milai Bloch milnē, Pk. māņusa-; Bloch manūs, mānas, Turner
Turner milnu. mānis.
E TATI muktigūmiyar "those who are on the Atat mätam by the mother" sub, inst. sg. f. 81, path to deliverance" sub. obl. pl. n. 408. lw.
also māta 81 and mataim ingt ag 81. lw Sk Sk. ext. in OG by OG n. dir, suffix -um muktimātä + OG, inst, suffixes.
gāmium. ATUS māthaun "head" sub dir sg. n. 326; SIĘ mukhakosu “having covered the mouth, māthai loc, sg. 38, 327, 341, 483. Sk, mastaka-,
by tying a piece of cloth " sub. m. dir. sg. 325. Pk, matthaa- Bloch mäthä, Turner mäth.
lw. Sk, mukha-; Sk, koşah Pk, kosa- OG, kosu. Ara māya “mother " sub, f, dir, sg. 108. Sk, máta,
HCS mujha “infatuate. swoon" v. imp. 2nd Pk, māyā. Bloch mãi, Turner mal
eg. 435; Sk, múhyati, Pk, mujjhai; lw. Pk. AITIH māyāmau “illusory" adj. dir. sg. n. 430.
mudga" a particular kind of len til" sub, 502 Iw. Sk, máyämaya-.
lw. Sk,; s, v, mumga,
patan munisuvrata proper noun m. dir. eg. 110. Aty mālavya proper noun m. dir, sg.534.
3 muyau "dead" past part, m. dir. sg. 94 ; also Aruar māvītra "parents" sub. 132. MG. mavtar.
mũyau 432; Sk, mrtsh, Pk, mua- ext.; OG, Sk, mātīpitr-. Note the-tr-in OG; Pk, māu
past part is the result of extended base in Pk. piu cannot explain OG, and MG. forms; it seems to be a later compound, as suggested by
that alone can explain -y-in OG, muyau, MG.
however, has muo, result of an unextended base, retention of -p
Long -ü- in some forms explains the presence AT māse “by the month "sub, m. inst. sg. 255. of the dialectal form Pk, muo OG, mū -u. lw. Sk. māsa - + OG, suffix-e.
Bloch melā, Turner moro, HIGT3 máharau "my" pro, adj. m. sg. 94; māharā es murmuru “burning charcoal" sub, dir, sg.
pl. 446, 463, 559; maharai inst, ag, 85; loc. sg. 20. lw. Sk, múrmura-. 85; māharaum n. dir, sg. 434, maharām n.pl. 473;
A mušala “pestle" sub, dir, sg. 520. lw, Sk. mühari f. 471; Sk, máma replaced by Pk, maha + OG, postposition rahaum (cf, rahaim, later
A musaim “robs, steals" v. pres. 3rd pl. 547. haraim, hraim ) is added. MG, márū. For a
Sk. muşnāti, nușati, Pk, musai. different explanation i, e, maha + kāra- see athi muhabari "on the mouth" sub, loc. sg. Pischel G. 434, Turner mero.
325. Sk. mukha-dvāre Pk, muha-bāre, OG.
muhabari Ar māhi “in, into " postpos, 73, 549, 554, (v.1. māhim ) 38; māha 426, 560; maha 94, 562; Ega muhumti " piece of clotn kept on the
gat muhumti "piece of cloth kept on the mouth māhaitau from' māha +itau 401; Sk.
by the Jains of one sect) to prevent insects in madhyah, madhye, Pk, majjhe, OG, māhi (-jjh- the air from being killed by their breath during
>-h-in OG, is a special treatment in an auxi- speech." sub. f. sg. 133. Sk, mukha-patrika, Pk. liary word). Bloch māj, Turner må2.
muhavattia; MG. mumti, mupatti. (cf. Pk. AIFES mahilau" belonging to the inside " adj. m.
muha-patti. dir, sg. 548. der, s. v, mahi,
mu "pers, pro, obl. eg. 94, 561, also müm 386;
426; maim inst. sg. 401, 525, 548,- (v. 1. mai) FACETÀ 3 michhūmi dukkadu "may my sins be 74. Ap, mahu, maim.
atoned, wiped out" a very common Jain phrase (Pk.) spoken while paying routine obesaince to
5 muka “dumb" sub, dir, sg. 44. lw, Sk the teachers, and on other religious occasions ET mükai "puts" v. pres. 3rd eg. 474; mūń. 38. Sk, mithyā me duşkrtam. Note the prono- kisii fut, 3rd sg. 382; mūkiu past part. m. dir. minal' me' being confused with the verbal form. sg. 556; mūki abs. 463, 489, also mümki 74, A mittu " friend" sub. m. dir. sg. 553. Sk.
445, 485; mumkati pres. part. f. dir. sg. 562.
Sk, municáti, muktah, I'k mumcai, mukkai, mitra-, Pk, mitta-, lw, Pk.
Bloch muknē, Turner mukuro. Au mitrānamdu proper noun m. dir. sg. 545.
af müli by sale" sub, inst. sg. 548; Sk, mūlyaAraz milu "met" past part. m. dir. eg. 434:| Pk, mulla-, - miliyā pl. 85; miliyām n. pl. 626; miliim v. te muligau “principal, chief" sub. m. dir,
pres. 3rd pl. (note -li- instead of -la-, may be eg. 446; Sk, mūle gataḥ OG, muli + gau.
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