Book Title: Shadavashyaka Banav Bodh Vrutti
Author(s): Prabodh Bechardas Pandit
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ SADÄVAŠYAKA-BĀLĀVABODHA-VRTTI 39 Efer puttalika small bundle" sub. dir. sg. f. TET püyada “pancakes" sub. dir. pl. m. 315 601; of Sk. puța, bundle ; *pauțya-, Pk. poţta-, i Sk. pūpa - Lk. pūa - la; ext. with-da- MG. puţta - MG. poțlo m. a big bundle, poțli f. puro. a small bundle. Bloch pot, potta, Turner poţi. grs pūrai “fills, supports" v. pres. 3rd sg. 470; grot proni "again " adv. (v. l. puna) 38, 94, 492; püraum 1st sg. 466; pürati pres. part. f. dir. also used in the sense of conj. and emphasis. sg. 559; pürivā ger. pl. 457; purī abs. 516. Sk. 547, 555. Sk. púnah api, Pk. punavi OG. pari, pürayati, Pk. pürai. Turner purnu. s. v. pana. i puri “having assembled " abs. 614. the conGOUTII punyarasi “piety, lit. a heap of piety" text is sabhā pūri "having assembled the sub. dir. sg. m. 428; lw. Sk punyarāśi council'. Sk. pūrayati fills'. Note the OG. # mettu (gon sub. m. dir. sg. 525 : Sk. putrah, change in meaning of. MG. (dialectal) tālü Pk. putto, putta ; Iw. Pk. purvũ to lock' . s. v. pūrai. gfah punima . the night of the fullmoon" sub. gerai prāvasthan " in the previous stage " f. obl. sg. 483. Sk. pürnamühm. "full moon "; ! sub. loc. sg. f. 417. lw. Sk. late Sk. pūrnimā f. 'k. punnimă, f. MG. punam gre purri “ before, ahead" adv. stereotyped loc. f. Bloch punav, Turner purnya. i 109, 428; often followed by - him emphatic. gitaalg purimatalu proper noun dir. sg. m. 516. Iw. Sk. pūrva - goig puspapura proper noun m. dir. sg. 544. aa peta stomach " sub. dir. sg. n. 38; Pk. geqrari prespavatamaki proper noun m. loo, sg.! petta - pitta-n; cf. MG. pot-la, s. v. OG. 429. puttalikā; also MG. peru lower belly '; hesitaE prihumka “rice or grain scalded with hot t ion in vowal quality may suggest an early lw; water and then dried over fire " sub. pl. 502; Bloch pot, Turner pet. Sk. pethuka-, Pk. pahumka-, MG. põk, Bloch Taagfi potanapuri proper noun m. loc. sg. 480. pohā. Arif porisi " a type of Jain penance", Jain Que pūgau " arrived, reached " past part. dir. sg. theological term. sub. dir. sg. f. 142. Sk. m. 296; pūgai loc. sg. 478. Turner, under pauruşī, Pk. porisī. pugnu suggests analogical formation of *pugga a l polika " a kind of cake" sub. dir. sg. f. 317. replacing punna (pūrnáh) as past part. to pujjai lw. Sk. paulikā, polikā; I'k. polia, MG. poli. (puryste), and pujjai : *pugga formed on the Qrag povai "sews, strings on, fixes on " v. pres. analogy of bhajjai: bhagga. 3rd sg. 25. Sk. pravayati; próta-; I'k. poäi, got pūchai " asks" v. pres. 3rd sg. 448, also 2nd poä-; MG, however, continues a form with --r--, sg. 538; pūchi imp. 2nd sg. 538 ; pūchatai pres. parov-vữ, for which see Turner bunnu. part. m. loc, sg. 522; pāchatām gen. obl. pl. que posai “supports, feeds" v. pres. 3rd sg. 538; 386, 556; pūchiu past part. m. dir. sg. 86; puchiyā pl. 112 ; pūchii loc. sg. 428; pūchi abs. poși abs. 516. Sk. poşayati, Pk. posei ; -- may 386, 573; pūchiyai pasa. sg. 339. Sk, prccháti suggest it to be a lw. Pk, puochai. Bloch pusnē, Turner puchnu. THE posahu "a type of Jain penance, Jain theoTEUTET6 puchanahāru " one who asks, desirous to logical term, sub. dir. sg. m. 547. Pa. uposatha Pk. posahaask" sub, dir, sg. m. 577, OG, pūchana-tharu; der, s. v, pūchai. a pamcavisa “twentyfive" num. dir. eg. 428; also pamcavisā 420. Sk. páncavimsat Pk, pannaag pijai "worships, respects” v. pres. 3rd sg. vīsā f. paņuvísa f. n., Ap. pacīsar. Turner 74; pūjaum ist sg. 528 ; pūjitu past part, m. pacis. dir. sg. 74; pūjītā pres, pass. part. pl. 72; lw. Sk. pūjayati; or a lw. in I'k. as pujja-, and 3 proavisa mau “ twenty fifth " ord. dir. OG. pūja- of. I'k. pujjae pass., pujja-, sg. 62; pamoavisamí obl. 222. for der. s. y. GITTS pijáraus "priest - who perforing pamcavisa. the worshipping ceremony in the temple - "gub. pamcasa “fifty" num. dir sg. 424, 613. m. dir. sg. 527. Sk. pūjākara-est. for püja - Sk. pañcāsát f. ek. pannāsam. Bloch pannās, to be considered a lw. s. v. pūjai. Turner pacās. o pithi " at the back." adv. 447, 529, 557. Sk. ant pamcahuttari “ seventy five" num. dir. prstih f. ribs. Pk. pitthi, puţthi; MG, pūțh f. 133. of. Sk. pañcasaptatih f., Pk. pamcahattari Turner pith. Turner pacahattar. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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