Book Title: Shadavashyaka Banav Bodh Vrutti
Author(s): Prabodh Bechardas Pandit
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ ŞADĀVAŠYAKA-BİLAVABODHA-VRTTI 21 TOT calai "walks, goes " v. pres. 31d sg. 365; suggests Dravidian origin. Bloch cela, cālaim pl. 489; cālatā pres. part. m. dir. pl. 544; Turner celo. caliu past part. m. dir. sg. 94, 451, 578; väliya are cokha "rice" sub.obl. pl. m. MG. Ookha pl. 578; caligāt 451; cāli f. sg. 579; calivå inf. "rice' and the adj. cokkhở "pure'. Sk. • of purpose 481; oalăvai caug. pres. 3rd sg. 488; cauksáḥ, cokṣaḥ "pure', Pk. Ookkha- Bloch oalāviyai pagg. sg. 489; Sk. *calyati, Pk. callai. cokh, Turner cokho. Bloch cālņē, Turner calnu. refecitti "in the mind" sub. n. loc. sg. 94. Sk. ale copaļanu "smearing (act of)" sub. n. : citta-, Pk. citta-; lw. Pk. dir. sg. 12 der, from the OG. base copad 9. v. copadium. ferre citrau "panther” sub. m. dir. sg. 448, frs copadiun “besmeared" past part. dir. citrai inst. sg. 448; also citraku, citraki 448. Sk. citrah 'spotted' oitrakaḥ Pk. citta-ext. MG. sg. n. 317; copaļi abs. 316. Pk. copada-'to citto; note the retention of -tr-in OG. Bloch apply oil,' ghee etc. Der. not known. For various suggestions see Turner copnu. citā, cittä, Turner cituw.. ferraty citrasālu proper noun m. dir. sg. 516. coraum "steal" 'v. pres. 1st sg. 525; cori 1 past part. f. 548. Sk. corayati, Pk. coria ferreta ciyālisa "forty” num. 342, 616; MG. stolen'; Turner cornu. cäļis, caļis; OG. ciya- can be explained to suggest an initial palatal glide, *oya-, also of. at coru " thief" sub. m. dir. sg. 522; cori inst. OG. ciyāri; Sk. gatvārimsát, Pk. cattálisan, sg. 525; core inst. pl. 555. Sk. coráh m. Pk. cāyālisa mh. Bloch salis, Turner calis. cora m. Bloch cor, Turner cor. . faran erft corī “ theft” sub. t. dir. sg. 464, 522, 526. ciyari "four” num. dir. sg. 74, also | Sk. caurikā, Pk. coria, cori Turner cori. cattāri 110; v. 1. cyäri 142; cau'huń emphatic obl. 142; also ciyāra i emphatic 434, 538. MG. Ste3 colapattau "a piece of cloth worn round căr, empbatio căre. of. Sk. catvärah m... nom.. the middle of the body." sub dir. eg. m. 44; catvāri n. nom. aco., *catärah, *oatări, could lw. Sk. colapatta- ext. in 0. explain the present form. Bloch cãr, cyār. candra proper noun m. dir. 88 445, 488. Turner där. * candraprabha proper noun m. a) . sg. 110. faras, tak cītavai, cimtavai “thinks, ponders” v. pres. 3rd sg. 73, 74; cita- ra camidrikā proper noun £. dir. sg. 584. vatau pres. part. m. dir. sg. 38; citavatăth obl. 9 champă name of a town f. dir. sg. 108 pl. 38; citavium past part. n. dir. sg. 112; cita wiec camouda "a type of small bug" sub. dir. vivă obl. of inf. 74, also citaveva 85; citavi 21. Derivation uncertain, but of. Sk. lex. cañoüabs. 112. Absence of nasalisation in many ny 'da-m. beak-leaved, a kind of vegetable,' of. forms is due to contamination with citta-Sk. · Sk. cañcupattra-. MG. o&oar m. cintayati, Pk. cimtei, cintavai (causal ' in primitive sense). | gift campi "having massaged, pressed, subdued” abs. 279; MG. c&pvũ De, campai. fece cimcuda "a type of small mosquito" sub. 21; MG, căcar. Der, not known. cha "six" sub, num. 135, cha e inst. pl. 120, cūkai “misses” v. pres. 3rd sg. 433. cf. 318. cf. Sk. şat; Pa, Pkt. cha. For various Sk. cyutáh; Dhātu pātua cakk- 'to suffer pain'. I etymological suggestions see Bloch S 218, Pk. cukka- to forget, be deprived of.' Bloch Pischel 441; Bloch sahā, Turner cha. oukņē, Turner cuknu. og chail "image, form” sub. f. dir. sg. (second fe culhi "cooking place" sub. f. sg. 178. Sk. member of the compound tåra-chai "bright culli f., Pk. culli f., MG, cũl f. Note the MIA ,,MG, cũl . Note the MIA image). Sk. chavi, chaviḥ; Pk. chavi. -Il->-1h-development common to other NIA dialects S. P. and L. Bloch cal. Turner culi. 1 us chai? "is" v. pres, 3rd sg. 112, 548; chai pl. 142, also sg. 430; che 3rd pl. 388; cham Ist aft cedi *maid servant" sub. f. dir. sg. 85; Sk. pl. 455. chataut pres. part. dir. sg. n. 633, ceţikā; Pk. cediā, cedi. chatā pres. part. pl. m. 408, 455. Sk. #kşeti celu "pupil" sub. m. n. dir: sg. 38, also Pk. acchai, achai. for alternative suggestions celaa 38. cf. Sk. ceta; Deś, cilla-; Bloch s ee Bloch asņē; Turner chanu, Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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