hot gonthā "(inside) the fold for cattle, (goetha also probably *gharattikä 'a smaller grindmahill)." sub. obl. sg. m. 388. lw. Sk. gostha; stone for domestic use.' MG. ghantt. ext. in OG. gosthau, obl. gosthā.
Es ghai "by stroke, attack" sub, m. inst. sg. tas gautamu proper noun m. dir. sg. 108. 434. Sk. ghātah, Pk. ghāya, OG, gbā, ext. to he garthi "knot" sub. (as a first member of
ghảu (probably to preserve m. gender). I looh a compound gamthisahita) 309. Sk. granthih
ghãy, Turner ghāu. Pk. gamthi m. f. MG. g&th f, Bloch gåth, Tur- gure ghanai "in the oil-mill” sub.m. Toc, sg. per gāpu.
489; Sk, ghätana- Pk, ghāyana- ext. in OG. Acte gandola "a type of worm” sub, 21; Sk. ghäņau; MG, ghapo m., ghäņi f, s. v. ghāņu, gandula- m.
ay ghānu "quantity sufficient for one time Te gamdhai "smells" v. pres. 3rd sg. 434. Sk. (to be put in a frying-boiling, pan)" sub, gandháh m. Pk. gardhs-m. Sk. gandhayati ! dir, sg. m. 311; also ghäņa 311, of, MG. ghăn,
also ghano m. 'oil-mill' ghaoi f. Sk. ghātanam,
Pk. ghāyana. Turner ghān. rex ghatai "fite, suits" y, pres. 3rd sg. 426;
anfaa ghatir "thrown" past part. m. dir. sg. ghatávatām pres. part. caug. gon. obl. pl. 339;
1 457, 557; ghātivă, obl. of inf.: ghāti abs. 464, ghaţăvitai pass. pres. part. loc. sg. 339. lw. Sk.
489. lw. Sk. ghātayati, ghāta + OG, verbal inghatate, ghata - + OG. verb inflection,
flection * ghadau "pitcher" sub. dir. sg. m. 185,
er et ghäradām "a type of sweet prepared Sk, ghatah, ghatakah, Pk. gbada -, ghadaga.
with ghee and sugar" sub, dir. pl. n. 315. of. "small pitcher" MG. gbaro Bloch ghară,
MG. ghāri; cf. Deś. ghāramta-m. etymology Turner ghară.
not known. ng ghadanu' "manufacture" sub. sg. n. 506. afacture” sub. sg. n. 506. ft ghee "ghee, melted butter” sub, dir. sg. n.
ah ghadāvanu sub. n. sg. (fr. caus, base). causing
91. Sk. ghỉtám n. Pk, ghiam 2. Blooh ghi, to manufacture' 506. Sk. ghatanam Pk.
Turner ghių. ghadana
BET ghodau "horse" sub. m. dir. sg. 464; ghogfag ghadiya: “ hour" sub. f. loc. sg. 325. Sk. daim inst. sg. 483; ghodi f. 264. Sk. ghotakaghaţikā, Pk. ghadiyā. MG. ghasi.
Pk. ghodao, Bloch ghorā, Turner ghoră. afere ghadiyi "9wift, lit, travelling in the same
a ghola "combination, mixture" sub, m. 601. hour" (ghadiyā joyaņi samdhi '& camel which
Sk, lex. gholayati Pk, gholci; cf. Pk. ghola n. runs one yojana an hour') adj. f. sg. 558,
ourds strained through a piece of cloth '--by Sk. ghaţikā, Pk. ghadiyå. Also s. v. ghadiyai.
constant robbing; MG. ghoļvã "to stir, mix'; gul ghana “hammer” sub. m. dir sg. 508; Sk Bloch ghoļņē, Turner gholnu. ghanah Pk, ghana m. MG. ghan.
Bet ghumti "ankle" sub. f. sg. (in the comquis ghānau "much" adj. adv. m. dir. sg. (v. l. pound pāda-ghūmtr) 42; cf, MG. ghõţi ankle'
ghaņu) 142, 586, ghaņā pl. 548; ghanaa n. ghūtaņ m. knee; (also of, gothan m. knee). sg. 571, also ghanum 464, 481; ghani £. 489, Der, not known, g--gh- alternation may 571; ghaṇe inst. pl. 456. Sk. ghana, Pk. suggest a non-aryan loan,
ghapa - ext. Bloch ghana, Tarner ghaņu. que ghaneraum "much" superlative adj. dir.
Pe cauki “in the quadrangle" sub, loo.sg sg. n. 38, 246, 516. OG. ghan-+eraum; for
246 Sk, catuṣka-Pk. caukka; MG COk un. ghan- see ghaņau, for-eraum see adhikeraum.
Bloch cauk, Turner cok. gr ghara "house" sub. n. dir. sg. 85, also
of cautālisa *fortyfour" num. dir. sg. gharu 529; ghari loc. sg. 85, 430, 526, also
74; Sk, cátus- catvārimsat Pk. cauyaltsam, ghare (pl.) 86. For the problems of relating
cattālisam; MG, cũwalīs, cummalis; the OG. Bk. grha- with MIA ghara- see Turner BBOS
cautālisa seems to be built upon a probable iii pp. 401. Bloch ghar, Turner ghar.
MI cau- and cattālisa; the MG. form is derived street gharaţi "grindstone" sub. dir. sg. f. 520. from Pk. caugālisam. Blooh 8223, Turner
$k, gharatta m. grindstone, Pk, gharatta m. canwälīs.
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