Book Title: Shadavashyaka Banav Bodh Vrutti
Author(s): Prabodh Bechardas Pandit
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ SADAVAŠYAKA-BALAVABODHA-VRTTI THTH ūsauja "12th month of the Hindu Te igära "eleven" num. 372; also igyár 268, calender, āśvina month”. sub. (-măși in Sk. ékādaśa, Pk. ekkārasa, ikkārasa, eggarthe month of) sg. 294. Sk. áśvayuja- Pk. ha; in OG. igyār (and MG. agyär.) -y-canasoa, MG. āso. Probably OG. -j- represents not be explained; but compare many dialects -y-, or the form is built with Sk, -yuja- Pk. of Hindi with -gy-, See Saksena $ 227, assaujja, H. āsoj. Bloch $ 221, Turner, eghāra. . *TATT asādha "name of a month” sub. m. sg. ETICH3 igārmau "eleventh" ord. dir. sg. m. 374, 514; lw. Sk. āşadha-.. - mai loc. sg. 355; -mi f. 259. der: S. v. igara. anafaas āsevivau "should attend" ger, dir. sg. gyurtta iguntrīse "by the 29th (day)” num. m. 551. v. s. v. sevai, inst. 339. Sk. ekonatrimsat Pk. egupatisa, OG. preserves -tri-, also MG. ogantris, oganTauft ähani "having struck" abs. 386. Sk. tis. All the numerals beginning with iguna ahanati. Pk. āhanai, abs, āhania. in OG. are derived from ekona- "one Jess"; te āharai "eats" v. pres. 3rd sg. 516; ahar-. - aus ist sg. 521; āharisu fut. 1st sg. 516. though the change is not clear, the alternaSk. āharati, Pk. āharai. tive suggestion is to derive them from *apa guna, (as Pischel suggests *apaguņa viņsati) er ähira "pame of a clan" m. sg. 94; āhira for MG. oganis ninteen. Bloch 222, Turner ham obl. pl. 94. unantis. Pischels 444. SETS āhedau.“hunting" sub. m. dir. sg. 448; TUGCE igunanavai "eightynine" ord. sg. 267. Sk. akheta-ext. Pk, ahedaya. Turner aher. Sk, ekona- navatih Pk. igūņaņauin. cf. howAT SA ähedi hunter" sub. m. dir. sg. 453; Sk. ever MG. nevyāśi probably built on the akheţikah, Pk, *ahedia analogy of athyāsi (=88), satyāģi (=87). For iguņa s. v. igungtrise. Turner unanabbe. miferānikhi " an eye” (first part of the compound -malu "dirt of the eye"); sub. f. 12. ETTORGETA iguņaparicäsa "fortynine" num. dir. sg. 285, 424. Sk. ekonapamcāśat Pk. egūņaSk. ákşi n. Pk. akkhi m. f. n. Turner amkho. pannäsa. cf. MG. oganpacās. For iguņa 8. v. Brf änga "limbs" sub. pl. 25, also 'ämgu sg. iguņatrise. Turner unancās. ('part" Jain technical term) 355. Sk. ářga. * gurefterwg igunavīsamai "ninteenth” ord. loc. n. Pk. amga. sg. 355 v. 8. v. ogumisa. Sk. ekonviṁsati Pk. sifs anguli "finger" f. 44. cf. MG. egüņavisam; cf. MG. ognis. For iguņa 9. v. &gal. Sk. amgúli- f.Pk, amguli f.; Turner iguņatrise. Bloch ekunis, Turner unais. añli. get icchaum "I wish" v. pres. 1st sg. 352 Sk. etiaruit antarani "impediment" sub. f. sg. 330. icchāmi Pk. icchāmi Ap. iochaum; Probably Sk. amtara-, Pk. aṁtara-; cf. MG. &tarvå. a lw. from Pk, with OG. inflection. "to obstruct', atro 'distance. Sie amtra "intestines. bowel sub. f. dir. pl. for ini "by him, it" pro. inst. sg. 75, 94. Sk. 112. lw. Sk. antara- m. f. p. 'inside'; äntrá-, eténa Pk. eeņa; note the short i in OG. MG. antra-n. 'in testines' Bloch åt, Turner anro, EņE. gaz itau ablative postposition. 85, 94, 111. amiferambilu "a type of penance among the 386, 425, 463, 466. also used with vasa-, Jains; the devotee eats once a day and only cf. Sk. --vaśät. Der. uncertain. see Tessittori dry non-oily substances." n. dir sg. 94, also ambila 94; 303. Sk. ācāmla-, Pk. ayambila-, l a imathus' adv., 483, Sk. evám Pk. evam, Ap. emva, ema; in Ap. em va, -m- may be i "even" used to emphasise the preceding. an indication of nasalised vowel. Pischel phrase. 94, 109, 142, 427, 448. Sk. ápi, Pk. 261. Note the initial i- in OG. MG. Em. avi; MG. y. 34 iya "this" dem. pro, f. nom. sg. 74. Sk. ! ir "here, in this direction" adv. 427. Sk i yám Pk. iyan. i-tás Pk io. . • 1 frutat iriyāvahi "( karma resulting from ) & iu “this" pro. m. sg. 555 Sk. idám n. etát bodily movements, such as walking etc." sub. f. n; Pk. eso, eho m.; Note the initial short i- obl. sg. 38, also-hiya (v. 1.) 142; Sk. iryāpain OG. thiki, Pk, iriyavahiya. « a type of pene a day and only $ 72.9 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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