[FEBRUARY, 1893.
has been appointed, we are prepared to receive the sthala form of the upasam pada ordination."
On the morning of Monday, the oth day of the light half of the month Migastra, the King visited the Kalyanisime accompanied by the leading priests. The nine théras, together with the five young priests, and Suvannasôbhanathêra, who was qualified for the office of upajjháya, were invited and seated in the Kalyaņisima. Setting aside the leading priests, who were desirous of receiving the Sibala form of the upasa mpadá ordination, the King approached the théras, who had visited Sihaladipa, and having approached them, said to them thas: “Reverend Sirs, these leading priests are desirous of receiving, at your hands, the Sîhala form of the upasampadá ordination. Vouchsafe, Reverend Sirs, to confer such ordination on them."
To this the theras replied: "Maharaja, we were sent by you to Sibaladipa, where we received the pure form of the upacampadá ordination at the hands of the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the Mahâvihåra sect. Maharaja, previous to our receiving each ordination at their hands the maháthéras of Sihaļadipa addressed us thus :Reverend brethren, this is the custom of the Sibala mahấthéras of old. Previons to the conferment of the wpasampada ordination on priests, who have come from foreign countries, they are directed to make a confession that they have become laymen, to doff their priestly robe, to suffer themselves to be established in the condition of laymen by accepting the gift of a white gerb, and again, to become sámaneras by receiving the pabbajjá ordination, by accepting & gift of the priestly robe, and by professing openly their faith in the Three Refuges.' (It is only when all these stages have been passed through, that they are permitted) to receive the wpasan pada ordination in their capacity as sémanéras. It might be asked : What is the reason of each procedure ? Reverend brethren, the priests, who came to this country with the conviction that their previous upasampadá ordination was impure, but that the Siha la form of it was pure, being imbued with faith, received frpah wpasampada ordination. Reverend brethren, these priests would subsequently attach themselves to others who might have been their own disciples, and, being dissatisfied with their condition, would, disregarding the time that had elapsed since their new ordination, reckon their status from the date of their old one. This is not approved by us : hence the custom described above. Therefore, if you, who are replete with faith, desire to receive the pure form of upasampadá ordination, do you aat in accordance with the custom of the mahathéras of Sthaladípe. If you comply, we shall be able to confer the wpasampada ordination on you; but if you do not, by reason of not being in socordance with custom, we shall be anable to confer such ordination on yon.' It was only when we had conformed ourselves to the custom of the maháthéras of Sthaladips, that they conferred the upasampadá ordination on us,"
Then the large number of leading priesta said: "Reverend Sirs, since you yourselves received the pure form of the upasampadá ordination only after conforming to the custom of the maháthéras of Sihaladipa, even in this wise, do we, who are replete with faith, desire to receive it. Therefore, we are prepared to receive the pare form of the upasampadá ordination after conforming ourselves to the custom of the mahátkáras of Sibaladipa." The théras, who had returned from Sihaladipa, being thus in concord with all the leading priests, the latter, headed by Dhammakittithere, were eventually treated in sooordance with the custom of the mahathbras of sthaladipa, and the upasampada ordination was conferred on them, with Suvannasöhanathora se upajjhays, and with the nine theras, who had returned from Sihaladipa, as Achariyas, the kammaváchs being read by two of these théras in turn.
On Monday, the 9th day of the light half of the month Migastra, which was the first day of the conferment of the upasanpadá ordination, Ramadhipatirâjs was present in person, and directed the preparation of a bounteous supply of food and various kinds of drinks suitable for consumption before or after noon, for the nse of the theras, who conducted the ordination ceremony, of the leading priests, who had been ordained, and of other leading priests, who were