FEBRUARY, 1893.)
of the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the extremely orthodox Mahâvihara sect, I am not in a position to say to them: 'Do receive it,' or to prevent them by saying ; Do not receive it. On the other hand, if the leading priests should, after investigating the ruling of the Vinaya, that is in conformity with the intention of the Blessed One, find that their upasampada ordination is pure, and should not desire to receive at the hands of these théras the form of the upasampadá ordination, that has been handed down by the ordained priests of Sihaļadîpa, I would not venture to urge them by saying: Do receive it.' The ruling of the Vinaya should, indeed, be the guiding principle. Do you investigate the Dhamma well."
Then Rûmâdhipatirâja thought thus :
« The office of upajjháya is the basis of both the pabbajja and the upasampadá forms of ordination, and it is decreed by the Blessed One that such an office should be conferred only on qualified priests, who, by reason of their having been ten years in orders, have acquired the status of a théra. But these théras received tbeir upasampadá ordination this year only; and not one of them is, therefore, qnalified for the office of upajjháya. Whence can we get such an upajjhdya P He, indeed, is qualified for the office of upajjháya, who has returned home, after receiving the pure form of the upacampadá ordination at the hands of the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the Mahâvihara sect. After appointing such a one as upajjhdya all the leading priests, who are desirous of receiving the form of the upacampada ordination, that has been handed down by the spiritual successors of the ordained priests of Sihaladipa, will be afforded an opportunity of receiving such ordination at the hands of these théras, who have returned from that island." Accordingly, the King commanded that a search be made for such a priest. Then Parakkamabahusamithêra said : "Mahårkja, there is a théra called Suvannasobhana. He received his upasampadá ordination at the hands of the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the Mahavihara sect. He is, indeed, qualified for the office of upaj. jhaya. Mabârâja, he is a solitary dweller in the forest, and observer of dhútangas, has few desires, is easily satisfied, and austere in his mode of living, eschews all evil through an innate feeling of shame, is repentant of his sins, an observer of the precepts, and is learned and competent." The King sent messengers to invite Suvannasôbhanathêra, and asked him, " Reverend Sir, when you visited Sthaladîpa, in which simá were you ordained, and what was the strength of the Chapter that ordained you? Who was your upajjkaya, and who your kammaváckáchariya ? How many years have elapsed since you received your upasampadá ordination in Sihaļadipa ?”
Suvannasobhanathöra replied thus to the King: “Maharaja, in the udakukkhôpasima situated on a mahajatassara, called Kalambg, and at the hands of a Chapter composed of innumerable priests, with VanaratanamabAthéra, ex-Mahasangharaja, as my upajjhaya, and with Vijayabahu-sangharaja, who was formerly known as Rahulabhaddathéra, as my kammavachachariya, I received my upasampada ordiaation, Since then twentysix years have passed away." The King was extremely delighted, and invited the théra to assume the office of upajjháya in respect of the priests desiring to receive tbe upasampadá ordination. The théra then said: “Maharaja, the théras of old, in whom human passion was extinct, disregarded their own interest in effecting the purification of the Religion in foreign countries. Maharaja, I will follow in the footsteps of these holy men, and even like them, will parify the Religion.". So saying, he gave a promise to the King.
Reverse face of the third stone. Immediately after the consecration of the simd, the priests, who had faith, and were learned and able, and who, being aware of the impurity of their previous upasampada ordination, were desirous of receiving the form of ordination, that had been handed down through a succession of the ordained priests of Sîhaladîpa, approached the King and renewed their former request. Having approached the King, they said: “Mahârâja, now that a sima has been consecrated in a valid manner, and that a maháthéra, who is qualified for the office of upajjháya,