MARCA, 1893.
months of the year that month which contains gurubhir yaktaḥ PhAlgunah samvatsarah Iuditathe Pausht paurnamdst, or, in other words, that gurur iti kim l udita-sanaischaréna pushyêņa yukmonth of the calendar during which the moon is tarn varsham ity atra na bhavati i bhåd iti kim full in the nakshatra Pushya. Differing from uditagurung parvarátrêņa yuktam varsham labda Patalijali, the author of the Kafikd-vritti on | iti kim i mlad divasê vê na bhavati P. IV, 2, 21, would permit us to form by that rule Here we are on ground with which, thanks to not only names of months and half-months, but
Mr. S. B. Dikshit,* we are now familiar. To form also names of years, and accordingly, in addition
the name of a year, we are directed to add a to the instances Paushô másah and Paush 'rdha.
certain suffix to the name of that particular nak. mdaah, he also gives the example Panshah sans
shatra, belonging to that year, in which Jupiter vatsarah. When first I read the remarks of the
has risen. A year joined with (or containing) the Kasiki-vyitti on Papini's rule, I could not but
nakshatra Pushya in which Jupiter bappens to think that there might be some error in the
have risen is named Paushan varsham. Vai. printed text; but I soon found out that the
sdkhah sanatsarah is that year in which Jupiter published edition really gives the text which is
rises in Visakh. Hémachandra does not disfurnished by the MSS., and from a note of
tinctly tell us what kind of year he is speaking of, Hêmachandra's on his own rale VI, 2, 98, I became
whether of the Jovian year or of the solar or convinced that he too was acquainted with,
luni-solar year; but seeing how he opposes the although he apparently did not approve of, Jaya.
word abda to mdsa and divasa, I would say that ditya's strange interpretation.
(rightly or wrongly, the Pausha year, in his That Jayaditya is wrong in forming the word opinion, would be the ordinary lani-solar year Pausha of Paushah samvatsarah by P.IV, 2, 21, during which Japiter happens to rise in Pushya. seems certain. Explained by that rule, Paushah To take the word abda to denote (pratydsattisamvatsarah would mean the year which contains nydyéna) the Jovian year, would seem to me a thọ Paushi paurnamdal,' or that particular year somewhat forced interpretation. during which the moon is full in the nakshatra Of course, Hemachandra has not invented his Pushya: but, as almost all years have such a rule. but has here. as elsewhere, borrowed full-moon, nearly every year would have to be from SakatAvans who
from Sakatayans whose wording of the rule named Pausha, and since such & year would ordinarily contain eleven other full-moon tithis,
garadayad bhad yukta 'bda, it would, scoording to Jayaditya, have to receive eleven similar names. To revert to our dates, the while the Jainendra-oydkarana has, similarly, year of the first of them undoubtedly contained guridaydd bhad yudo 'odah. Not possessing the Karttikt paurnamdst, but the year is named completo copy of a commentary on Sakatayana's Vaisakha, not Karttika samvatsara.
grammar, I do not know how native scholars The fact is, that neither the three great gram.
would explain the word gurúdaya grammatically,
but we may, I think, be sure that Hemachandra marians Påņini, Katyåyana and Patañjali, nor the
has correctly given its meaning by substituting grammarian Chandra, whose work was known to
for it uditaguru. JayAditya, have given any rule by which we could account for the words Pausha or Vaisakha in
On a previous occasion I have shown that the phrases like Paushah samvatsarah or Vaidakhah
authors of the Katikd-vritti frequently quote samvatsarah; but we do find the requisite rule from the grammar, or allude to the teaching, of in the later grammars of Sakata yana and Hême- Chandra where that grammarian differs from chandra, and in the Jainéndra-vydkarana.
Paņini or has additional rules. The fact that
Jayaditya in no wise refers to the rule of SakatHômachandra's rule' VI, 2, 5, is
yana's which I have given above, and which is udita-gurðr bhad yukta 'bde;
absolutely necessary for the proper explanation of and his own commentary on this rule is:
words like Pausha in Paushah samvatsarah, is uditó gurur brihaspatir yasmin bhê nakshatra
one more argument to prove that the Sakafdyana. tadvachinas tsitiyântâd yukte 'rthê yathêvibitat
vydlarana is more modern than the Katikapratyayo bhavati sa chêd yuktô 'rthô 'bdaḥ samvatsaraḥ byât I pushyêņôditaguruna yuktam
F. KIELHORN. varsharn Pausham varsham | phalgunibhir udita.
Himachandra and SAkatyana place this rule imme. dintoly before the rulo or rules which correspond to
P. IV 2, 3 and 4.
See Fleet's Gupta Inscriptions, Introduction, p. 16.